Solace (A story of 2017 " 100 demon parade")

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      After meeting with Suguru Geto, Gojo got heartbroken. Because they used to be friends, not just friends, they were the best bros. But 10 years ago they separated. Today Suguru appeared in first time after a long time. He said that he was going to start "100 DEMON PARADE" in Shinjuku. It means a big war. A big war against to sorcerers. The war is on 24th of December. Everyone was shocked. But Gojo was sad.

That day Gojo came home late. Megumi hadn't sleeped yet. He saw Gojo with bad mood. Megumi was 14.

"You are late."- Megumi said.

"Yeah..."-Gojo said with a sigh and sat down on the sofa. He looked at the ground. Gojo has never been sad. He was always merry. Megumi noticed that something happened with Gojo.

Megumi:-"Are you okay?"

Gojo:-"Yeah, I am fine...why didn't you sleep?..."

Megumi:-" I had been waiting for you"

Gojo:-"I am here so you can sleep...go..."

Megumi:-"What happened?"

Gojo:-"Oh, nothing"

Megumi:-"You are lying."

Gojo:-" You know about my old friend, right?"

Megumi:-"You haven't tell me before"

Gojo thought a bit and said:

"We used to be friends when I studied in Jujutsu High. His name is Suguru Geto. We were the strongests. One day....."
Gojo remembered a story with him and with Megumi's dad Toji. Gojo couldn't tell Megumi about  his father. So, he didn't tell the true story.   

"One day, he changed. He started killing people who wasn't be a sorcerer. He said that he was going to create a world only of sorcerers. And I resisted to him. So our friendship broken. It had been 10 years since our last meeting. It was in Shinjuku. And Today he appeared. I couldn't know him. I saw an another person who was Suguru. He is starting a war........ in Shinjuku. On 24th of December...."

Megumi:-" In this week?"

Gojo:-"Yeah, If he lose... I have to kill him...."

Megumi:-"Don't you want to kill him, right?"

Gojo:-"Whuuh!!!....I don't want."

Megumi:-"Then why You have to kill him?"

Gojo:-"If he lose and I won't kill him, then it will be worse for him. He is gulity. He has killed a lot of innocent people. If I don't kill him then head of Jujutsu users will kill him as ashamed. His death will be disgrace..."

Megumi knows all rules. He comprehended that it is the most true way to kill him. So he didn't say anything. Also Gojo noticed that.

Gojo:-" He was my close person...."

Gojo finished talking. He stood up. Took off his blindfold and smiled to Megumi:

-"It is okay.... You go to bed. You are pupil now. Did you forget? "

Megumi understood Gojo's situation. Yeah he is smiling now but his heart is burning. He has to stay lonely now.

Megumi:-" Yeah, I am going. Good night."

Gojo:-"Sleep well!"

Megumi left Gojo. Gojo stopped smiling soon as Megumi left. He went in front of the window, opened it and looked at the sky. The moon was lighting. He took a breathe with a sigh....

          ON 24th OF DECEMBER

      The morning of 24th of December. Gojo was troubled. Megumi came beside him.

Megumi:-"I hope you will win"

Gojo:-"I never lose"

Megumi:-"I know..."

Gojo:-" Megumi....."


Gojo:-" I hope you will never be in situation like mine"

Megumi:-" Never! You know the reason."

Gojo:-"Yeah I know but You live long. It will be everything in your life. I hope you will never be alone"

Megumi:-" I don't care about it"

Gojo:-" You look a like..."
(There Gojo meant his dad.)


Gojo:-"Nothing.. I have to Go, Megumi. Go to school. I will back late, so late...."

Megumi:-"Yeah, I will...... Good Luck!"

Gojo left Megumi and went to Shinjuku.

               After war......

  It was morning. But the sun hadn't rosen yet. Gojo back home. Megumi didn't sleep at night. He was worrying about Gojo. After Gojo's return Megumi stood up and run to beside Gojo. Gojo sat down. His mood was really terrible....very terrible. He had killed Suguru. Megumi noticed it.


Gojo said nothing. His heart was broken.  Megumi sat down opposite Gojo. He hugged Gojo. Also Gojo hugged him. Megumi's hug was solace for Gojo. He felt

After that Gojo was on balcony

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After that Gojo was on balcony.... he looked around,back to room. Megumi was sleeping. Gojo stroked his black hairs. He became happy because of Megumi. Yeah Gojo tries to find Suguru in next life. His decision was right. Gojo decided to live to training Megumi.

"Megumi has to be a strong sorcerer. Yeah he will be. His technique is the unique one as mine. I am pleasent for him to be in my life.... Toji Zenin, you took my happiness but gave me your blessing. There is nothing between us. I will try for Megumi's future!"
Gojo said them in his mind.

"Wake up, Megumiii"- Gojo woke Megumi up as normal.

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