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"You heretics.. so intolerant!" The purple cat said, as a scratching sound against concrete was heard. "Well. It seems Poppy's little 'angel' is coming. I'll be back after dealing with them." It said, as it started walking away. Sounds of chains clashing against the wall and bouncing around the space were heard. "Don't do anything, CatNap!" An orange-toned dog yelled as it shook in a futile attempt to get out of the chains holding him up. The sun-shaped pendant on it's necklace bounced against its chest. 

The purple cat just laughed in response. "You may have been the leader, DogDay, but I'm in charge now." It said, as it continued to walk away. "You're just blind! The prototype is taking advant-" "SHUT. UP!" The cat interrupted the dog. "The Prototype is a god- the true god. It would NEVER do that sort of thing. I'm in eternal debt anyway." The cat hissed at him, before exiting the chambers. 

The dog looked at the cold concrete flooring below it. "Angel.." It murmured.


"Be careful.."


Okay, I know I've been gone for a while, I'm just really stressed recently. But, there's a new character to write about on the horizon! Until next time, ya'll!

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