52~ The Trust....

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Yana's POV

I dropped Maa's car at her house and without any conversation headed back home.

I wasn't even in the condition to question Kaustubh Bhai about my and Aabha Di's conversation.

I wasn't feeling good and I know until now Ardhansh would have got to know about that affair controversy.

Would he trust me?

He didn't behave well with me in past but I can't neglect my mistake by blaming him, if I did what would be the difference between us?

But most important wouldn't he feel betrayed? The way I felt when he married Yashika Di, Would he think of me as whore who was just searching for an opportunity? Would he get angry at me? Would he hurt me?

Do I am thinking too much or I am thinking correctly?

I am not feeling good after seeing that clip, it feels so dirty and disgusting to me.

I remembered Mr Rajdhan's words and tears rolled down my eyes, he is a stranger to me, so it didn't affect much to me, but just imagining Ardhansh saying the same thing made my heart bleed.

Indirectly he opened my slightly healed wound by those words, the things I was trying hard to forget and adjust to the reality.

Somewhere I know Today Ardhansh's behaviour would prove to me if I should think about this relationship for a second chance or give up on it completely.

I realized I was standing in the living room of our house and heard the giggles of Aeh and Ayaan's friend from Garden.

It was evening so I assumed they would be playing cricket while Ayaan would be in his room after making up another lie so he wouldn't have to play, the reason is still unknown behind his abnormal behaviour but I will find it out soon and try to solve it.

My nostrils rose smelling a delicious Aroma of food and I walked towards the kitchen to see him half naked and cooking something with concentration.

Did he come back this early from the office?

"How was the meeting?" He didn't even lift his eyes and sensed my presence I wasn't shocked though, I knew he could smell me in millions of people.

I leaned on the door and answered, "Good, She said she did it because Jiju was indebted under Trivedi's due to gambling."

"Hmm," He hummed but again didn't lift his eyes to look in my direction and I knew with his careless attitude he knew it already.

"Where are servants?"

"They are on a half day leave," He replied and served Pasta in five plates before again pouring oil on the pan.

I walked near him and sat on the kitchen slab and at the same time, Devyani came and took those plates with her.

"You didn't give her half a day's leave," He smiled and answered cutting the tomatoes.

"She is living here so she can help, can't she?"

I frustratingly turned off the stove and pulled him near holding his neck before staring directly into his eyes and asking, "Why behaving so ignorant even after knowing everything Mr Singhaniya?"

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