𝟎𝟕. ( the gumball machine. )

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ISABEL'S JAW WAS held open slightly as Jake Sim approached her and Jungwon

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ISABEL'S JAW WAS held open slightly as Jake Sim approached her and Jungwon. Had she really phoned him instead of Jay? The boy was wearing a pair of dark lounge shorts and a long sleeved, yellow and black striped polo shirt that had a light blue collar. He looked tired which was no surprise considering it was way past two a.m, and his hair was a little bit tousled.

Isabel still managed to find him the most attractive boy ever, and she quickly shook herself out of her trance and turned to Jungwon, bidding her goodbye before following after Jake.

The pair were consumed by silence. Jake had his hands shoved in his shorts pockets and Issy stumbled beside him, causing him to chuckle softly before removing his hand from the comfort of his pocket and to hold onto her arm to keep her stable.

The Park girl was far too out of it to realize they were walking the complete opposite way to the holiday home, and instead going to the twenty-four hour convenience store. It wasn't until her eyes landed on the lit up shop that a glimpse of confusion took over her features and she turned her head to look up at him.

"What..." She began, gulping to try and gather her words. "Why are we here?" She slurred out and a long sigh fell from Jake's lips as he lead her over to the empty bench outside the store.

"You need to sober up," He tells her once she's sat on the bench. "You can't go back in this state." Jake explained and Issy only nodded her head, not asking any questions. "Now stay here, okay. Don't wonder off." He ordered, and Isabel sat up, giggles leaving her lips.

"Okay, Jakey..." She grinned, her face close to Jake's as their eyes met. The two were so close that they could practically see every detail on their faces, and Jake could smell the strong scent of alcohol leaving her mouth. The older boys eyes trailed down to her plump, reddened lips and he subconsciously found himself biting his own lip.

Before anything could happen — not that Jake would do anything due to Isabel being highly intoxicated and him having a girlfriend — a stray cat brushed across Jake's leg, making him jump back slightly in shock.

Isabel's eyes widened at the sight of the cat and she immediately bent down in her sitting position to smooth the cat as the Sim boy went inside the store. She had always been a dog person growing up and never really liked cats at all, but she was far too drunk to even care about her preferences and feelings towards the animal.

Easily getting distracted, Issy's eyes landed on the flowers that were scattered across the outside walls of the shop and the kids tattoo machine that she once wasted tons of money on when she was younger. Her eyes also fell on the gumball machine that was beside the tattoos and despite her queazy mindset, she felt her breathing hitch at the memory that came with the machine.

The memory that made her realize just how much she liked Jake Sim.

An excited beam was plastered on fourteen year old, Isabel Park's lips as she impatiently waited in line to use the gumball machine with her friends.

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