The motherly figure begins

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In 12:00 am hali cannot sleep because of nightmares then runs to gempa's room

Gempa open the door please! Oh yesterday gempa need to go to the forest then he said, if you need anything tell solar he likes a motherly figure now. I need to go to solar's room. "said halilintar "

Then hali runs into solar's room

Solar open the door please! "said halilintar "

What happened my chubby hali? "said solar"

I-i cannot sleep can i sleep with you? "thoughts : I think he'll refuse""said hali"

Oh sure come in! "said solar"

W-wait what you don't refuse? "said hali"

Why would i refuse if my chubby halichu can't sleep come in! "said solar"

O-ok "said hali"

Then hali sleeps on solar's lap after that solar asleep too


Solar has become normal again after he wakes up he sees hali on his lap but solar still puts hali on his lap

I changed my mind i don't want to be popular i want to be a mother figure and genius person. "said solar"

End. T.B.C

What if solar become a mother figure for 24 hours? (END) Where stories live. Discover now