🔞3.Through thick and thin

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*Shubman's POV*

I woke up to the loud ringtone of my phone. It was 3 in the morning, who's calling me?

"Hello?" I said, not even bothering to look at the name. There was no response from the other side, just silent cries.
"I-ishan? Ishan? Why are you crying, baby? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you, Darling? I swear I'll -"
"Shub-Shubman... Shubman it's them again"
"Who baby? The board?"

No response, so I assumed he must have nodded.
"Darling, tell me what happened... Talk about it, please, don't cry, love"
"Shubman, they've.. they've cancelled my contract"


More cries

"Ishan, I-.. please don't cry, bubs. You know I hate it when you cry, and it hurts me even more that I won't be there to wipe your tears, Darling. Please don't cry, Kishmish"

I heard him sniffle. I was now sitting up straight.
"Can you video call me? I want to see you" He said, his voice lower than a whisper, still reaching to me.
"Of course, Baby "

We switched to a video chat and said nothing, just looking at each other, listening to the loud silence.
"Please sleep, Ishu baby. Staying awake isn't healthy for you"
"I can't sleep, Shubman. My dreams are haunting me"

His eyes showed hurt and vulnerability, piercing into my heart.
"Can you try it for me again, Baby? For your boyfriend? For your Shubi?"

He nodded slightly, setting his phone so that I could see him even when he was trying to sleep.
"Sleep well, baby, I promise I'll keep you safe"


Just a few minutes later I noticed he had fallen asleep. I looked at his vulnerable state. Tear-stained cheeks, swollen eyes, tired body. My small, strong Ishan.
He was already going through a lot of mental pressure since the worldcup and now this?

Why is this happening to my baby? Why?


*Ishan's POV*

After I called Shubi, I fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about my boyfriend, his arms holding me.

The morning came within a blink and I woke up beside someone. I didn't remember sleeping next to anyone...

"Who's it" I asked, my voice contained fear and worry.

The hum felt familiar. I rubbed my eyes to finally look at the person next to me. It was... Shubman?

"Shubi? How are YOU here?"
"I came to you as fast as I could, baby. I told you, I'd keep you safe and happy"
"I'm happy now, Shubman... But you didn't have to travel at such an odd hour, baby"
"I'd do everything I can to help you through your hard times, Love, there's no doubt in that"

I looked at him, his voice thick and raspy from the sleep. It was 2 in the afternoon. He traveled all the way to me, for me.

"Thank you, Shubi"
"I love you, Ishu baby, how could I not"
"I love you too" I said, cuddling into him.

I folded my elbows, fisting on his shirt as he wrapped his arms around me protectively, shielding me from anything that could have happened.

I looked at his face and I could see the hesitation.
"What's wrong, baby?" I said, stroking his cheek with my thumb. He sighed.

"You know me so well, Ishu.. what would I do without you"
"I'm not going anywhere, meri jaan, tell your Ishu.. talk about it"
" *Sighs* I may or may not have been engaged in a very professional argument with the board..."
"You WHAT?... God, Shubi, always doing the strangest things"
"It wasn't strange! I checked the social media too.. everyone thought this wasn't just fair. You and Shreyas bhai... It isn't fair, Darling... I wanted to fight for you...and I did"

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