010- Dances

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Klaus is being creative working on an abstract painting on an easel. Rebekah enters.

"What took you so long?" Klaus asked

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake." She said Shows him a stake.

"Luckily I'm quite the charmer."

" That's it?" Klaus asked

" The last of the white oak stakes that can kill us. Do you want to do the honors or shall I?"

Klaus puts the paintbrush down, takes the stake from Rebekah and throws it into the flames in the fireplace. The flames flare up around the stake.

"Well that's that then." Rebekah said

"Pack your bags, we're leaving."


"Why not? There's nothing keeping us here. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset." Klaus said

" But tonight is the decade dance."

" So?"
"So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go." Rebekah said

"I'm not going to any dance."

"Charlotte will be there."

"That means nothing to me." Klaus said

" Please, I have big plans for tonight. Just go for me."

"Okay, fine. One last hoorah."

" One last hoorah, Nik."

Charlotte looked to Chloe and sighed "you know I hate dances and I am only going for you don't you? I am coming to look after you with how things are with Damon and how he had treated you" Charlotte said as Chloe smiled

"I appreciate it. I do. I know you didn't like these dances when you were in high school but it's for the town" Chloe said as Charlotte smiled

"I didn't like high school when I was in high school. Don't worry about it. I swear if some charming original turns up and tries to flirt with me" Charlotte said as Chloe looked to her and smirked as she cocked her head to the side

"So you think that he is charming now?" Chloe asked as Charlotte shot her sister a look and rolled her eyes

"Don't push me. I mean it" Charlotte said. She knew how something had happened with her and klaus and how for a moment that she thought he was dead and how she didn't want that and how she wanted him to be okay.

She didn't want him to die and part of her was glad he was okay. Another part hated it and another part of her had no idea what was going on or what to think over it all

Chloe stood at the dance with a drink in her hand as Charlotte walked over to her "when we came here I came here with the understanding that we were going to have a go time and you weren't going to spend the whole time glaring at Damon and Elena. You know that none of this is fair on you don't you" Charlotte asked as Chloe looked to her and nodded

"I know. I do. I know it's a mess and I just don't know what to think. What do I do" Chloe asked

"You get out of this relationship before he hurts you anymore" Charlotte said

Charlotte rolled her eyes as she saw klaus as he stood right caroline and Tyler. She was worried that he was causing a scene

Klaus walks in and stares at them. Tyler sees him.]

"What is it?" Caroline asked

"Where've you been mate?" Klaus asked Tyler

" I just got back in town." Tyler said

"That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place" klaus said

"Klaus leave then be come on "Charlotte said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her to him

"Dance with me" he said as he offered her his hand as she sighed

"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?!" Charlotte asked

"I don't have to prove anything, love. I am the alpha male. Come on, one dance, I won't bite." Klaus said as she took his hand. He pulled her close as they danced. His hands were in her waist as she rested her head on his shoulder

"You know what's mad I can smell you. The blood in your body and yet if you were someone else I'd of drained you but I can't" he said

"I don't know what to say to that. It's sweet but you should try not to kill everybody you see big bad hybrid and all" she said as he smirked

"Is that what you think of me" he asked as she rolled her eyes

"Don't flatter yourself"

"You would've loved the 1920s, Lottie . The girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped." He said

" Hmpf, I don't suppose that ever happened to their dance partners."

"You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow. I'd invite you to come with me but we both know you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day, in a year, or even in a century you'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer." Klaus said

He stares into her eyes. Charlotte looks away. She didn't want to look at him. Hearing that he was leaving. It made her feel sad


"You mark my words. A small town boy, a small town life, it won't be enough for you." Klaus said

"And what is enough, you?" She asked

"I could be" he said as they held a look

Charlotte got to klaus major and walked inside

Klaus is in the room with the five coffins. One is closed. He pulls the dagger out of Rebekah and puts it on a table. He then speaks to Esther's body in another coffin.

"Your trap failed, mother. I live and I will go on living. Let your beloved spirits try to preserve you again, I dare you to come after me! I will build an army so big, no one will ever touch me. My survival will haunt you through eternity. You will never destroy me!" Klaus said as he saw Charlotte

"What are you doing here" he asked

"Maybe I wanted to see you off, maybe I wanted to ask you not to go who knows" she said as he stepped towards her closing the gap between them. He looked to her as she placed a hand on his chest

He could smell her, her scent, her blood and it drove him crazy. They glanced to each other for a moment as she leant in and kissed him. He grabbed her waist and pulled her into the kiss. He pushed her against the wall. His hands drug into her hips as her hands ran through her hair as he pushed his tongue into her mouth

Charlotte had no idea why she was doing this but she knew it was only the start

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