New.. York?

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She didn't know if it had been hours or days or weeks.. But Gwen had been wandering around for a while inside of this small pocket of darkness and nothingness. Parts of New York are laid around her, shifting and fading in and out of reality. Police cars, apartment buildings, and street lamps are scattered around in oddly shaped geometrical pieces. Nothing was sentient or alive. Tears were stained on her cheeks and it was as if time had stopped.

In the distance, there was a faint light in the darkness that captured Gwen's attention. It was right above her, but for some reason, she couldn't get a clear grasp of it. She stepped towards it in hopes of finding an exit, hearing honks and sirens along with faint conversations. As she inched just a few seconds away from the bright light, Gwen was overcome with loud sounds that felt like there were buzzing inside of her head before hearing a small call to her name.

She turns around with a small gasp, shouting back in hopes of getting a response. "Hello?" Gwen is then faced with millions of colorful glitches in the atmosphere, both chaotic and beautiful but overwhelming. Things rearranging themselves like small puzzle pieces. She glances around, on guard. Her spider-senses ringing in her ears, but there's no danger.

Gwen steps forward, crossing her arms as she walks around the empty plane of existence. She then steps back before hearing something shuffling in her pocket. Taking out the object, Gwen uncrumples the small paper in front of her before letting out a small sigh, some tears threatening to fall. A nostalgic memory captured inside of a small image. The familiar figures of her and I. It was the one thing still in tact between all the messy parts of the world in front of her.

While staring at the picture, seemingly the only thing she can bear to look at but at the same time it fills her with a sense of dread, there's a sudden HONK behind her, her senses alerted as she turns her head. A car? Wait. "Get out of the street!" The man shouts from the window as she slowly comes to. She eyes the man with a raised eyebrow and steps out of the way onto the sidewalk. Her eyes gaze around the scene in front of her, and everything seems to be in its proper place again.

No glitches or tears in the fabric of her reality.. it's as if nothing ever happened. She swallows hard, feeling the wall of a store nearby in tact and real. It's the loud city she once knew, back again. Maybe she saved the city after all and she didn't fail. Gwen slipped her mask back on before anyone could see her identity. In attempt to shoot her web at a building, she aims and fires.

Nothing comes out. She grunts, hitting the damn thing on her wrist as it squeaks and whirrs. "Empty.." She recalls having wasted the last of her webs on account of trying to catch the one person she was aiming for. Gwen impulsively decides to continue travelling along the sidewalk she accidentally stumbled across in a desperate hurry. In her path, she tossed and stepped on some empty cans and garbage bags away that seemed to be thrown into random places.

New York was messy but it wasn't this messy. She huffs out, deciding to run towards her apartment building in hopes of seeing anyone familiar. At this point in time, she wished she still had contact with Miles and the others. Someone who had experience with the destruction of a universe or something like that. But she knew she wouldn't find one here. Gwen dodges people walking into her path, some having hoods up and most people looking at her as if she's a fish out of water. None of the usual fan crowds or calls to her alter ego.

Although, she was starving, hungry for food and the closure she needed to make sure something she done was right. Gwen sped down the intersections, crossing red lights with cars beeping at her. She's relying entirely on her spider sense to navigate, to move, to do anything. First, she'd find her dad, her friends, me, or something that could confirm we were okay. The city was in a dark landscape with its usual watercolor scheme.

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