first chapter

22 1 2

 Alessia POV: 

i wake up from a ringing noise my stupid alarm clock. I quickly turn it off and scream in my pillow today might be the worst day of my whole fucking live, I'm meeting my soon to be wife. 

"i hate my life" I mumble before getting up and walking into the shower. I take a hot shower and do my after shower routine. I brush my teeth's, curls my brown hair and put on some light makeup and get out of my room 

I See my dad and my sister at the dinner table seriously my sister disgust me. she's such a daddy's  girl and gets everything she wants. she could just look at my dad with her stupid pleading eyes and he would buy her New York 

"morning" I mumble to my dad he greets me back and I walk into the kitchen to get some iced water I hear my sister say to me "finally you are getting out of her so I can have your room" my eyes widen and I look at my dad 

"WHAT! you are letting me go home with some random woman I don't even fucking know, isn't it bad enough that you let me marry some random woman and now you force me to move in with her!" I yell at my father 

"Alissa please she's good and-" I cut him off by yelling "I don't give a fuck how good she is or how bad!" I see my sister smirking. God how I wanna slap that smirk out of her stupid face 

"watch your language young lady and get dressed now!" I storm off to my room and curse under my breath. As I get to my walk in closet i decide to wear a comfy outfit. I put on a tight flare Levi's jeans and a basic white sweater over it. 

I decide to stay in my room and to not face my father because when I would I could't control my anger. I scroll trough TikTok as I hear my father yell "Alissa come down here they arrived!" I roll my eyes at my fathers voice suddenly his words hit my. they? what does he mean by they I thought I would be just her not they?!

i rush downstairs to confront him "what the hell do you mean-" my eyes almost pop out of my head as I see three man standing there in black suites I gasp "dad what the hell is going on and where is this woman I'm suppose to meet" I look between my dad and the men. 

my dad sighs "Alissa I don't know but these gentleman's are her guards and they are here to take you to her" I'm furious at him how dare he!.

"no I'm not going  with some random dudes to take me somewhere so tell her to get her ass up and go here I don't know her name or her fucking age I'm not going anywhere! I yell at him he only rolls his eyes and rubs his forehead. 

"Alissa please we had this conversation you know we are in high debts and I would't do it if it wasn't necessary I'm sorry-" he looks at me since my mom died in a car crash my dad started gambling and playing poker losing all our money. 

"fine I'm going" I sigh and hug my dad one last time before I walk out with these dudes god why are they in suites it's not like she's in the mafia or some shit like that I thought to myself and laugh.

one of her guards opens the door of the car for me and says "its a one hour drive señorita, so enjoy the ride in the backseats" he smirks at me disgusting. I roll my eyes  and sit down in the car. 

after one hour we arrive at the destination and I see a massive mansion infront of me  what is this woman? I thought to myself.

the car door opened and I got out "where is this woman and who is she?" I ask curious I look around and see the guards whispering something in Spanish what the hell is going on. A man in a black suite and black hair approached me  "señorita Fernandez I'm Domenico if you may follow me I bring you to Ms.Alvarez room" I just nod and follow him into the mansion. 

A/N I know this chapter is short and I'm sorry if my gramma is shitty English is not my first language so please don't judge I hope you enjoyed it comment please!!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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soon to be married...    by satinxWhere stories live. Discover now