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The feather was like the most fragile glass you could hold in your hand-one wrong motion, and it might cut your hand or shatter into a million pieces. I was careful not to hold it harshly because it was a feather from an actual angel.

Rowan hid his divine wings and sat opposite me again. His mood changed into a more serious one, and I knew it was important to hear what he was about to say.

"This feather will protect you from Death. Wear it as a necklace, so you won't forget it somewhere." Rowan said. "Death won't be able to touch you; he will only be able to see you. While you'll be wearing it, no danger could occur. I can promise you that."

Wearing the feather as a necklace would finally set me free from the Grim Reaper. Say less.

I unlocked the chain around my neck, which belonged to my mother. It is the only possession I have of her. It was a silver, water-drop-shaped pendant that was hollow and could be opened. It was crafted with intricate details and had a small loop at the top for hanging. The inside of the pendant was empty. I carefully opened the pendant and fit the small feather inside.

"It looks like it was made to fit there." I laughed and showed Rowan the pendant.

He examined it and made sure I closed it properly. First, he glanced at me, then went back and forth between me and the pendant. He gently took the pendant from my hand and walked behind me. He clasped the necklace around my neck with a gentle touch, ensuring that it lay perfectly against my skin. He dragged his fingertips against the chain. The hair around my neck rose.

"Under any circumstances, you cannot take this off," Rowan emphasized, sitting down next to me.

I tasted the soup he made for me and couldn't believe how delicious it tasted. It was better than my grandmother's.

"Why would I ever want to take it off?" This feather of his will stick inside my pendant until I get rid of the Grim Reaper. I don't know how it will be possible to achieve it, but I can't lose hope. Even the tiniest one.

Rowan brushed through his hair with his long fingers. Truly a heavenly view.

"Is there a way to get rid of-" I couldn't bring myself to finish the sentence.

Rowan looked into my eyes intently. "Death is a very powerful being. It's not easy to get rid of him. You may think that I, as an angel, have all the power in the world, but to be honest with you, Death is twice as powerful. That's why he was able to hit me. My feathers won't protect me from him because I'm a celestial being. I can only protect myself absolutely when my wings are spread."

"Your wings activate your power." I deduced.

He nodded, and his forehead creased. "Still, I can protect you the best. Don't doubt my strength!" He said.

I covered my laugh with my hand, and it seemed that it made his worry wash away. For the first time in weeks, I felt safe. I found a solution for my protection, and I even have an angel on my side. I wasn't fighting Death alone. He might think he got me, but he's so wrong. I won't let him destroy me. I have to simply put an end to his fascination with me.

We have three options:

1. Move his fascination from me to another girl. Which is heartlessly cruel coming from me, and it's my least favorite option.

2. I made him go away and not appear here. I have no fucking clue how to make that happen.

3. Move to a different state or go to Europe. Specifically, to Spain. Sun, good-looking guys, and amazing food. I would have to change my clothing style, though.

Rowan's hand kept shaking in front of my face. "Are you listening to me?" He said.

I blinked repeatedly, realizing I wasn't in my room to space out without a care. Oh god, he just watched me stare into nothingness as I thought of our plan, didn't he?

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