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       It tasted bitter and sweet

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       It tasted bitter and sweet. But the fact the blood that swirled around her tongue made her moan in delight. It scared her. Heart pounding and eyes rolling to he back of her head. She was flying, well she felt like she was. It reminded her of how she used to get high when she was a teenager, smoking pot. Her parents used to yell at her and ground her all the time each time they caught her. But no parents, no one to yell at her for this kind of high. She savored each drop of blood as she licked the amounts from her lips. Her fingers that were grasped tightly around the soldiers neck softened. He fell to the floor of the warehouse. His body piling ontop of the other soldiers around where she was standing.

She had killed a squad of fourteen soldiers in total. She suffered little to no wounds. A bullet hole that pierced her left shoulder quickly healed as she finished the left over blood in her mouth.


Yeah it tasted good, but at the same time she hated this. Hated the fact that the only way for her to survive was to eat man or a dead man. Either worked out for her. As long as she tasted and ate them. Usually two bites does the trick.

"W-why did it have to come to this..why can't I be normal?" Her white hair swayed behind her back, the moons light peering into the warehouses top windows down onto madeher hair almost glitter in the light. Her yellow golden eyes stared down at the body's before her.

She whispered to herself in the dead silent night of the now silent warehouse. She found herself hunting a squad of the 141 task force that was sent after her. She doesn't know why they're chasing her. all she knows is she's already killed three squads in totally in the past month. In her eyes they were slow and weak. Stronger than the normal humans she used to eat. But their flesh and blood did just the trick. No poison or drugs in their system. Everytime she ate a drugged up or drunk human it made her throw up. It was like eating poison.

"The past three years has been hell..soon there won't be anymore of the population around the world.."

She whispered to herself, talking to herself sometimes helped her overthinking mind. Always thinking back on that day. When they took her from her family because of her blood.

Four years earlier

"Zarah honey can you come wash the dishes for me! I need to leave I'm late for work! Please make sure to not miss the blood trial! We all have to get this done honey I know you hate needles but pleaaasse get it done today! I love you bye!"

Zarah could hear her mother screaming across the house hearing the front door click shut behind her. Her eyes peeled open slowly as she stared at the ceiling fan on her bedrooms roof in front of her. The fan was slowly blowing in a non stop circle. She could hear the silent eerie noice buzzing from the old motor of the object before her. The silence in her room made her mind drift off into space of nothingness. The still silence of the house made her feel at ease. Then her step father's voice finally brought her back to reality, breaking her daydream.

BLADES (a ghost x OC x konig love story)Where stories live. Discover now