Dolly and Darling

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Everyday that passes by, she looks for a door she'll never find. I follow the jester as she speedwalks down another hallway, opening a door, scowling, and slamming it shut again.

"Doncha get tired of this Chuckles?" Jax quips from behind me. I shoot him a pleading look, trying to get him to stop. Pomni turns and scowls at him.

"I mean, you just don't get it do you?" He continues, smirk widening. "You just really can't get it through that head of yours." He strolls up to her. "There. Is. No. Exit." Pomni glares up at him.

"There is. I kno-" She retorts, cut off by the tall rabbit. "Yeah, sure, there was an exit door. But it wasn't an actual exit, was it? No. It was fake." An ugly, cruel edge works it's way into his voice. "Something Caine made because he's too dense to understand what we actually want. But, if you want to waste your life running up and down these halls, thats fine by me." He strolls off, whistling cheerfully, leaving the little fool standing there, glaring after him. I watch her in concern as water leaks out of those firey eyes, gritting her teeth.


She turns to me, wiping her eyes with her glove. "I'm f-f-" She stutters. "F-f..." She stops, shoulders slumping taking a wary step towards me. I open my arms for a hug, even though I knew the jester didn't li-

She crashes into my embrace, arms locking around me as she sobs into my dress. I freeze, caught off guard by the normally touch-averse girls hug, before wrapping my arms around her. "You'll be ok." I whisper into her hat. "We'll all be." She sobs something unintelligible as I pat her back. "It's getting late. We should....try to sleep." I say after a few minutes that felt like short eternities. "You'll feel better after some rest." Pomni glances up at me, searching my eyes.

"I...don't want to be alone right now." She admits quietly, testing the waters. "You can sleep in my room if you want." I offer. She eyes me as I feel her relax a little more. "I...think I'd like that...if you don't mind, I mean." She added in a rush.

"Not at all sweetie."

Her pinwheel pupils widen for a moment at the nickname, and I wish and could take them back afraid I'd gone too far. But she just smiles a little, blinking away the last of her tears as she untangles herself from me and makes her down to my room, stopping outside the door with a hint of hesitance on her face. I smile reassuringly at her and open it, holding it open for her to come in. She returns my smile with a shaky one of her own. I sit on my bed, patting the cover in invitation. She trails over, sitting next to me. I scoot over a little making room for her and lie down, pulling the blanket of myself. I shift to the end of the bed, giving her plenty of room. Her face flushes for a moment, before lying down next to me and pulling the blanket up almost over her head, curling into a ball. I turn to face away from her, to make this less awkward. My face flushes as I feel the curve of her back press gently against mine. We lie in comfortable silence listening to each other's breathing slow as the world fades away around us, except the few inches of our backs that had contact, a soothing warmth. My thoughts slow, then fade into breezelike scraps of sentences, too abstract to fully grab onto.

I love you like I want to but it's killing me inside...



I slowly wake the next morning, rubbing my eyes. I stiffen as I feel something pressed up against my back, before remembering who was in the bed with me. I move slowly, so not to wake the jester up, sitting up and gazing at her. She was almost completely tangled in the blanket, seemingly in a fetal position. I watch the blanket rise and fall with each breath she takes, until the blanket shifts. Pomni slowly drags the blanket off her head, blinking blearily at me. I blush, getting lost in her vibrant eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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