Chapter Three: What Happens Here, Stays With Us 🎈

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Y/N's Perspective:

We eventually made it down to the sewers. Along the way, Bill, Stan and Eddie were telling us about themselves and more about the town of Derry, Maine.

We left our bikes in the tree line, alongside the large stream of water that exited from the sewers. 'Lovely.'

"This is gonna be fun." I stated sarcastically. "I guess." Eddie followed along with it.

"That's poison ivy, and that's poison ivy . . . and . . that's poison ivy."

"Whu-Whu-Where? Where's the poison ivy?!" Eddie started to become frightful of his surroundings. "Nowhere!" My brother began. "Not every fucking plant is 'poison ivy' Stanely!"

"Hey! You could have said that nicer." Richie scoffed at my response to his remark to Stan. Bill and Richie began to make their way into the sewer. I stopped and stared at my brother, disgusted yet again.

Eddie began to speak, stopping at the entrance of the sewer. "Okay, well, I'm starting to get itchy now! And I-"

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Rich interrupted. "Sometimes, yeah?" Eddie replied. 'Big mistake, shouldn't have responded, because now Rich is gonna-'

"Then you probably have Crabs." Richie looked like he felt accomplished with himself. "That is so not funny." Eddie immediately replied.

"You know, for having just met these people, you sure are making quite the damn first impression Rich." I roll my eyes. "Why thank you, I try." He replied. "Clearly." I scoffed.

Stan, Eddie and I were all stopped at the entrance of the sewer, not prepared to step in. I looked at them both and was about to step in, before I could, someone grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. It was Stan, he shook his head. The fear in his eyes expanding with every second. Rich and Bill were making it deeper inside. "Aren't you guys coming in?" Rich asked, his voice echoing through the tunnel.

"Nuh uh, it's grey water." Eddie replied.

"What the hell is grey water?"

"It's basically, piss and shit! So I'm just telling you!" He paused for a second, then continued. "You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee. So-" my brother picked up a stick and began to sniff it. I gagged, my disgust only growing. "What. A-are you serious? What are you-"

"Doesn't smell like caca to ME senor!"

"Okay- I-I can smell that from here!"

"It's probably just your breathe, wafting back into your face."

Eddie raises his hand, and inhales deeply. "Have you ever heard of a staff infection?!?!"

"Oh I'll show YOU 'staff infection'!" My brother than began to use the stick to retrieve some sort of plastic bag from the merky, disgusting water from the sewers.

"I mean, this is so unsanitary!! You're literally- this is literallylikeswimminginsideofatoiletbowl right now! I mean- Imeanhaveyoueverheard of listeria?!-"

Richie threw the grey, plastic bag at Eddie from the end of the stick. Eddie shrieked, then began going off on Richie. "Are you- are you shiting me- like- are you reTA-"

"Fucking disgusting Rich, sorry for interrupting Eddie."

"Guys!" Bill speaks up. He is holding a shoe in his hand, and flashlight up to it.

"Shit . . . don't tell me that's . . ." My stomach falls as Stan spoke. "No . . . Guh-Gi-Georgie wore glaciers . . ." Bill began to look closely at the interior of the shoe.

Summertime Sadness, the Cure to All? (Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now