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*after doumas head had been cut off and inosuke and kanao had left*

ugh..!! i cant believe a bunch of lowlife teenagers just killed me! was i not strong enough or were they hashira level? oh well.. guess im dead now. it dosen't matter. at least i got rid of that shinobu girls poison, the decapitation dosen't hurt as much now.

plus theres no way i could save myself, unless i somehow regenerate my head. even though muzan and akaza could do it, i doubt i could.

what is this feeling? it feels like my blood is boiling, and i want to break something and scream.. perhaps this is what frustration feels like? or anger? i don't know, human emotions were always fantasies to me. maybe in another life i could have experienced them. no point in trying now.

whats going on? what am i seeing right now? is that.. me? am i seeing my past life?

no, this cant be happening.. my life is flashing before my eyes..!!

*he then starts seeing his past life when he was a human*

d-did all that really happen to me? how foolish of everyone.. ugh! why couldn't i just be born normally? with normal eyes and hair? that would of never happened!!

i don't want to die. i don't want to disappear forever. i cant. i cant leave everyone helpless.

but why? why am i so paranoid of disappointing the people who rely on me? was it my parents...? but they died!
im so confused. i don't know what to do.
im panicking.

wait a second.

im seeing things at a different point of view. humans, human emotions, are pure and real. right? feelings like happiness and joy should never be removed from someones brain, because of a loss of a loved one. im speaking from experience. i don't want anyone to go through what i did, because that would be horrifying for someone who can understand emotions, unlike me..!
although, us demons are causing that to happen, so im too late. i always was.

and so the main cause of this is, master muzan..? i see it now. i see how the slayers think. of course he is the main villain. he's literally the king of demons. im so stupid-

in that case, if i want to prevent this from happening, muzan should be killed. but thats impossible!...right? i really don't want anyone to experience what i have. maybe.. if i help the slayers? i mean, i would probably be a big help.

but wait. im literally dying right now. so theres no point in even considering it. ill just have to hope they do it.

hope.. thats a bit pathetic, isn't it? just waiting for someone else to do something that you could do as well.

i cant die now. now that i know whats what, i cant just let that go away while i still have a chance. i mean, akaza could regenerate his head, and he's a rank lower that me! so why cant i? im not weaker!

come on.. i just have to try reaaaally hard. agh.. come on!!

*some time later idk how long lmao*

is it happening..? i can start to feel my limbs again. ugh.. my eyes haven't regenerated yet..! come on...

yes!! i can see.. and i have my body attached again! i actually did it.. woahh thats weird.
lemme try stand.. my head feels heavy. its like theres a weight resting on my brain.. im lightheaded. i don't think ill faint though. hopefully. now what? i don't know what to do.. im still processing what just happened. at least i know what right now.

oh, right! i remember muzan telling us to look out for a traitor demon who was now working as a doctor named Tamayo. and.. yeah! she has a assistant as well. i don't remember his name though. but wasn't she working on a antidote for demons to turn them back? she also turned her assistant into a demon i think. well, if she can do that to other demons, why cant she do it to me?

i guess ill just have to find her, if shes even here, of course.

*after some time*

i started running for what feels like ages, and i think i can hear some slayers.. finally! this place is massive! although i cant really see them, ill just have to follow the sound of them, i guess.

hold on.. who's that? he's running with a few other lower ranked slayers. one passed out on his shoulder, and around 3 following him.

he looks familiar, in some way. although i've never seen him before..!

wait, i know who he is! thats the same description muzan gave us for tamayo's assistant! light green hair that fades into black, and i can sense that he's a demon, its definitely him!

although he seems to be disguised with the other slayers by wearing the uniform, it makes sense, he cant just tell them that he's a demon. they'd freak out. he's not with tamayo though.. maybe shes fighting somewhere else? well, either way, ill have to try and get to him somehow. i cant just leave him, ill probably never see him again, judging by how massive and complicated the infinity castle is.

douma surivival AU || slight doukaza angst ig?Where stories live. Discover now