Chapter One

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Normal people wake up to their alarm clock or even someone shouting their name. I wake up with Kyella jumping on my bed screaming and Mason hitting me in the head with a pillow. 

" Z wake up we gotta start loading the jeep....." Kyella screamed while jumping up and down.

 " Oh come on, you guys can do it and wake me when your done " I replied while turning in my bed. Oh my sweet bed I think I'll miss it most.

"Zanya come on your acting like you don't know us of course the jeep is all packed I said that to get you up but since that didn't work. ZANYA MCVANE GET YOUR ASS UP GET READY SO WE CAN LEAVE NOW!!!!!!" Kyella shouted 

" Damn girl wake the whole neighborhood and done. Zan please get up so i don't have to hear Ky scream again." Mason said sweetly.

 " Okay I'll getup but only because Mase asked sweetly," I said while getting up and going to the bathroom. 

" Whatever babes just be downstairs in fifteen minutes or I'm gonna roast your ass" Ky said through the closed door. I brushed my teeth, took a bath, washed my hair and then put on some shorts, a purple tank top, along with Mason's flannel shirt I refuse to give back and my favorite pair of black converse leaving my hair in a wet messy bun. I step out of my bedroom and closed the door I walked down stairs to see Mase and Ky already in the jeep. 

" So you ready to live at the pack house ?" Mase asked 

" The pack house I can handle, Elijah Malone, not so much."  Mason started the jeep and we were on our way to the pack house which is deep in the woods at the center of our territory. I looked back at the house that was once filled with so much joy and laughter now abandoned and I miss it already.

Sometime during our ride to the house I fell asleep I woke up to Mason slightly shaking me and whispering 

" Wake up Z we're here." When I opened my eyes and stepped out of the jeep my gaze fell upon the huge building in front of me. No matter how many times I come here the beauty of this place cease to amaze me, its ivory color, tall pillars and windows with the prettiest designs on them. I stopped gawking and helped Mason with my bags .

" Where's Kyella" I asked only now realizing her absence .

" She went to get Alpha Kian and Luna Amelia" Mason replied 

" Doesn't that mean..." 

"Hey there candy floss" I was cut off by the most annoying sound in the world the voice  of Elijah Malone. I rolled my eyes at the nickname Eli gave me when we were six and he stuck candy floss at the back of my hair while I walked around not knowing why people were laughing at me. I guess I'm not too mad at the situation as that's how Mase and I became friends, he told me why everyone was laughing and took his time to take every single piece of candy floss out of my hair. Elijah on the other hand has my full hatred for making me look stupid and he did this the one day Kyella didn't come to school it annoys me every time I think of it. Calming myself I turned around with the sweetest smile I could muster as I was now in the presence of my Alpha and Luna.

"Hey there slick" I replied knowing damn well he can't be as much of an ass he usually is in front of his parents.

"Welcome to our humble abode" he glares as he hates his nickname as much I hate mine.

"Yes, Welcome to the pack house Zanya. I hope you feel at home here after everything that has happened recently and you are lucky as you get to prep for your transformation actually living in the house unlike the others who moved in after their transformation," Alpha Kian said.

" Thank you both so much for taking in an extra responsibility, I promise I won't be all up in your hair while I'm here" I smiled

" Oh nonsense child, your mom and I were really good friends and I would feel terrible if I don't take care of her baby girl for her. Don't think of me as your Luna think of me as your new mom, though I know I can never replace Melane " Luna Amelia said as she walked over to hug me.

"Plus there are over a hundred wolves living on this estate one more couldn't hurt." Luna Amelia smiled at me and I returned it.

"Now I'm sure Mason and Kyella can show you around the house, as Amelia and I have some business to attend to" Alpha Kian said walking towards his wife whom has stepped back from me.

"I'm sure Mason and Kyella are exhausted from lugging around your stuff, so I don't mind showing her around a bit," To my surprise and apparently Mase's and Ky's too Elijah offered his services, he never willingly offers to be around me longer than he needs to.

"Okay great, we are really glad to have you here Zanya," Alpha Kian says as he and Luna Amelia walk towards their car. I give Mason and Kyella a look telling them to help me but they both look away.

Now I'm stuck with Elijah helping  me up the stairs with my things after we toured the house in the most uncomfortable silence ever ,other than him telling me what something is, we both reach at the top of the stairs I dropped everything and turned to face him.

"Okay, you've showed me around after I've been in this house a million times and you've helped me up the stairs, you are not needed" I told him.

"Oh really, so you know where your room is then?" he smirked

"Well no.."

"Then you need me..." he says as he continues walking down the hall. I grabbed the things I dropped and followed along.

" Why did you offer to show me around last time I checked we aren't friends, nor do you owe my anything so fill in the blanks for me please ?"

"Maybe I just wanted to help out my new housemate, I can be helpful you know,"

" Yeah I know just not with me"

"Look" he says as he stops and look over his shoulders "maybe I realized that this thing between us makes no sense and now that I'll have  to be seeing you everyday constantly being at each other throats wouldn't be a good thing." I walk around him so I could see his whole face.

"So let me get this straight after eleven years, eleven years of us not liking each other you suddenly want to be friends. What happened to the slick that didn't care about how many friends he had, or if people liked him 'cause he was gonna be Alpha anyway ," I raised an eyebrow at him.

"He's still right here candy floss but I need us to be on good terms if your going to be around, please" He pleaded as we walked a little further, and around some corners till he stopped in front a door with my name printed on it. "This is you," he says as he hands me a key for the room. I open it to reveal a huge yet pretty much vacant room except for a dresser, a table and chair and a small bed. " I know it's not much but we can go and get paint and other things to decorate it how you want," he says as he rests  down all my belongings in a corner " and by we I mean you and your friends."

" Thanks for the help and everything, and yeah I'll make Mase and Ky go with me whenever to get things to make this room better," I said as I turned to watch him " and pertaining to us being friends, I make no promises but  I guess I can be civil while I'm here " I said while walking to the door, " Again thanks but your services are no longer needed you may leave," I said as I ushered him through the door.

"Okay candy, everyone is most likely in the commons and I'm sure they'll be excited to see you so you can make your way down when your ready" he smiles much to my annoyance.

"Okay when I'm ready," I smiled back as I close the door in his face cutting of what he was going to say next. So I've been up for about five hours, been in the pack house for less than three, and I already have to be civil with Elijah Malone. Oh what a time this shall be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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