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Who am I?

Sitting up I look around. I'm in my messy one-bedroom apartment but seconds ago I was on a plane with people screaming my name and asking who they were. I take a deep breath and make a mental note to never fly in a plane again.

These dreams have been regular. Last night I woke up hearing my sister, who lives hours away, calling for me in the pitch black.

Then before that, I was visiting a family friend in a white room. She passed away two years ago. At least that one was peaceful, unlike the one where I ran down my street looking for rocks to hide under because the fire was coming down from the sky.

I breathe in and out and slowly get out of bed. The place on my wrist where that confused person grabbed me had a red handprint on it. "Just perfect" I mumbled under my breath. It's bigger than mine. "Looks like I need to wear sleeves or something"

Entering my bathroom I look myself over in my mirror. Thankfully, I'm safe and mark-free everywhere else.

All of a sudden I feel dizzy. "what the..." I sit down on the floor. I see my bathroom but I'm also seeing smoke, a fire, in my apartment. I hear screaming and rain coming down outside. I see my new neighbor trying to drag me out of my apartment. I see the mark on my wrist.

I snap out of it and quickly get dressed. I grab all the important items I own. I run out of my front door and I smell smoke but can't see it yet.

"This can't be happening...." I run to my neighbor's door and knock. He answers and smells the smoke. "what's happening?" he asks. "I think our building is on fire, hurry!" I start knocking on all the doors and we start to go down the stairs. I pull the fire alarm once I reach one. Soon we are all out of the building. I watch the last person walk out of the front door. The rain comes pouring down. The corner with my apartment blows up a few minutes later. I just look up in disbelief. I've had plenty of dreams but that was the first one to affect my real life... and could I call it a dream?

The neighbor who I saw trying to drag me out. He comes up to me and wraps his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks. I just stare up at him in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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