c. 9

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I went home and went inside the house parking my motor besides

"I'm back!!" I shout and close the door loudly

"Welcome back sweetie" my mum said

"Hi mum" I said and look around to find kian

I went upstairs to look for his room but his not there. I look to my room and his not even there so I went downstairs to look for him but I don't see him around

"Mum where is kian?" I ask

"Ohh about kian I let him use your car and your card to buy everything" mum said with a smile

"Your the best" I said and jump hug her

"Yea yea... Have you seen Matthew everywhere?" She ask

I let go of her and give her an Innocent smile "you should look around the station but I promise I didn't do anything to him. go on ask Leo about it" I said scratching the back of my neck

"Luna what did you do this time?" She ask gently but for me I can feel her dark aura eating me

"Go and ask him I'm not saying anything unless he talk about the truth" I said and crossed my arm

"Fine where is he?"

"Tokyo station... "

My mother sighed and take her key and leave the house

One day I'll buried that man alive

I thought to myself with an evil smirk. I plop on the couch and watch some movie

Not long enough the door open and reveal kian and Clara holding few bags in Clara's hand

"Master Lilith" Clara greet with a smile which I return with a soft one

"Why is it only one, two... Twelve of them? " I ask

"Well I ask kian to buy more but he said that it's to much" Clara said

I smirk and look at the bag mostly shirt and cheap brand of other shirt

"This is cheap" I said and walk towards kian

"Well it's to much" kian said while looking down

"Clara please put the bags in kian's room and prepare some food for us to eat" I said not breaking eye contact with kian but with a smile

"Yes master" Clara said and went upstairs

"So Ready to tell me where you got the little hickey earlier?"I ask with a smile

"It's really nothing" he said waving his hand back and fort

"Fine... Come on let's help Clara cook food for us" I said and went to the kitchen

After we cook we take our seats and after that we watch movies in the living room. Soon after mum return with my stupid stepfather and she doesn't look mad or anything

"Don't talk to me Ms. Agrest" I said mockingly

"Don't be rude Lilith and your father have something to tell you" my mother said with annoying smile

"Go to your room kian and wait me there" I said and he do as I told

Once kian is out of sight Matthew make his way to me with a soft smile

"Look lun-"

"Don't fucking call me that or I'll cut your tongue" I said coldly cutting his word

"Fine... Lilith I'm sorry of what I've told you earlier I didn't mean it" he said softly

"What a devil in disguise" I said and rolled my eye

"Luna listen to him" my mother said

"Fine make it quick" I said clearly annoyed

"Oky so I'm asking for forgiveness and I'm really sorry about it" he said again with a gentle yet venom on his voice

"I'll only forgive you if you stop you hobby everytime my mum is not around" I said and stand up

"Lilith what are you talking about?" My mother ask confuse

"I told you mum I'll never talk unless that thrash man speaks the truth" j said and walk out but being stop by someone grabbing my wrist

I look back to my Matthew who's holding my wrist so I pull back my arms

"Don't touch me you big dickhead I don't even see you as a father figure" I said and continue to walk

"Clara can you please hand me the hand sanitizer in the kitchen and thank you!" I shout to the hallway

I enter kian's room and see him cover with blanket

"Kian" I said cheerfully and hug him

"What happened down there?" He whisper

"Well your father sent my other gang in the police station so I flip the table and put your dad in the behind bars now his downstairs asking for my forgiveness" I said with a soft chuckle

"Did you forgive him?" Kian ask peeking to his blanket

"Why should I?"

"That a nice of you Lilith" Kian chuckle

I buried him in the blanket and laugh "Lilith I can't breath" he muffled under the blanket and I let go of him while laughing

"I'm sorry" I said while laughing and holding my stomach

"You almost killed me" he whine

"But I can't kill you as long as you don't tell me where you get the hickey I won't kill you" I said with a little a serious making him tremble in fear

I flick his forehead and laugh "don't think that I'm going to do that to you because I love having a siblings and I will protect them no matter what" I said with a smirk

"I'm glad to have you" he whisper

"What is it?... I can't hear you" I tease and he just punch me lightly with a pout

"So meanie" he pout

"Just joking I hear you clear that your father and I'm also glad I have someone to spoil" I said with an evil smirk plastered my face

"Don't look at me like that Lilith" Kian said and look away

"Why?... Is it because you don't want to be spoil?"

"No because it's to much"

"That's how I spoil them in the house when your not here"

"You really like spoiling someone"

"Of course I do and that's includes you"


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