The Story.

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A young little girl with mid-back light purple hair and a yellow oversized sweater ran upon a house in the middle of the forest during a rainstorm. *Knock Knock* "Is anyone there?" A young girl said. The girl then knocks on the door again; after a few minutes the door opens revealing a small shadow amongst the light. "Hello? What are you doing out here in the rain?" The person behind the door said, "Give me a second." The person behind the door then closes the door and fully unlocks it and opens it again to show a young girl with short wavy brown hair with blonde bangs and ram horns. "Hi, I'm Jazzaline!" Jazzaline smiles and guesteres the young girl to come inside to protect her from the rain. "Let me get my brother first before we get comfortable." After a few minutes an older looking boy with a short brown mullet and ram horns walks into the living room where the young girl stands. "So you're the one my sister let in? What's your name?" The boy smiles and waits for a response. The girl then looks around the room and stiffens. "You guys can call me Luna," Luna lets out a nervous chuckle. The room then goes silent for a few minutes until Jazzaline comes back into the room with blankets and pyjamas for Luna. "Here I figured you wanted to get more comfortable instead of staying in those wet clothes. After a few minutes the girls were in the living room watching a movie while Jason was in the kitchen making popcorn for them. "So, how old are you?" Jazzaline said hesitantly. Luna then looks at Jazzaline then to the doorway to the kitchen watching Jason walk in. "I'm around fourteen years old, How about you Jazzaline?" Jazzaline plasters a big smile across her face, "I'm fourteen too!" Jason then hands the girls the popcorn and walks back to the door frame and leans on it watching the girls laugh and have fun.

[The next day]

"Hey Luna?" Jazzaline said, slightly shaking Luna to attempt to wake her up. Luna then opens her eyes and sits up to see Jazzaline smiling, "We have pancakes in the kitchen, are you hungry?" Jazzaline stands and helps Luna up. They both walk into the kitchen seeing the big round table dressed with a red tablecloth with three plates set up with the big stack of pancakes in the center. "I see you're up now Luna, come sit and take a bite." As the girls sit down, Jason stands between both girls' chairs and places a hand on their shoulder, "So how'd we sleep last night?" Luna then tenses up and Jason removes his hand from her shoulder. "We slept pretty good." Both girls said in sync. "That's good, I'm glad y'all did." Jason then sat down looking at Luna sadly but then started eating his breakfast.

[After Breakfast]

Jason's cleaning up the table while the girls sit in their chairs chatting. Jason decides to politely ask; "So Luna, how'd you end up in the forest so late at night in the rain?" Luna then looks away from Jazzaline to look outside. "It's a bit of a long story-" Luna then got up and slowly started to walk outside until Jazzaline grabbed her wrist. "Luna what's wrong? You can stay; it's okay." Jason then walks up behind Jazzaline, "You can stay as long as you like and you can tell us your story whenever you're ready." Jason then pats Jazzaline on the back and walks out of the house and grabs some wood. Luna then starts to shake and sniffle a little. "Are you okay?" Jazzaline looked at Luna confused and scared, but Luna didn't respond back with words, instead Luna turned to Jazzaline and hugged her. While Tears were going down Luna's face she managed to say, "Thank you both for being so nice. I've never had anyone be nice to me in a long time.." Jazzaline hugged Luna back. "I'm glad I've met you Luna, it doesn't matter that it hasn't been long. I can tell this is going to be a blast." Both girls smiled and held their hug for a bit longer.

[One year later]

"Happy one year anniversary! It's officially been one year since you came into our lives." Jazzaline smiles and pulls the cake from behind her to Luna. Jason, leaning on the doorway chuckles to the celebration Jazzaline insisted on having for Luna. "Since it's your one year anniversary, I begged Jason to let us build you an actual house! I've seen your mini models and thought it would be great to make one of your mini houses a reality! Plus, it would be a great kick off on making our forest seem more town-like." Luna smiles at Jazzaline's kindness and then looks up at Jason with a grin. "Okay can you both get out so I can change?" Luna tilts her head and chuckles nervously. Jason and Jazzaline then walk out of the room. While leaving Jazzaline leaves a note on the side table. After Luna changes she notices the note and opens it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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