Aquarius Relationship

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Aquarius ~ Aries
Aries and Aquarius blend greatly together. Both are very active, have a strong sense of individualism and love their freedom and independence. Aries will feed on the creativity of Aquarius and Aquarius will love Aries' energy. It's a match of dreams.
Aquarius ~ Taurus
Taurus individuals love consistency and are usually quite conventional. Aquarius however has a taste for new experiences and untraditional ways. Both individuals are also stubborn and neither will be willing to compromise. Taurus will most likely be unable to understand Aquarius' unpredictable feelings and will get annoyed by that. The two will not go well together, unless they are ready for some extreme adjustment.
Aquarius ~ Gemini
Deep intellectual conversations, shared outlook on life and strong mutual understanding. Those are the things to expect out of this match. To consummate the match to full perfection, Aquarius will need to learn romance as to please his flirty partner. Gemini will usually let strong Aquarius lead the relationship, but at the same time the twins will invest many ideas. This relationship will be full of love, understanding on many levels and a lot of fun.
Aquarius ~ Cancer
Put a very emotional and private person with a very independent and outgoing one. This is what you get by putting Cancer together with Aquarius. Cancer always seeks commitment and security, but to Aquarius it is unnatural, because the Water Bearer is very independent and dynamic person. The two will have a lot of trouble understanding each other. Think twice before jumping into this one.
Aquarius ~ Leo
Two very strong-headed characters will usually have difficulty finding compromise. Leo will ask for commitment and Aquarius will try to avoid it, since freedom is the top priority for the Water Bearer. On the other hand Aquarius will be drawn to Leo's charming nature and the Lion will be intrigued by the Water Bearer's intellect. If Aquarius can learn how to be a little more serious in life and Leo loosens up a little and take things more simply, then it can work out, but differences will still crop out here and there. This match is usually best only for short-term relationships.
Aquarius ~ Virgo
Aquarius and Virgo are famous for their intelligence. Together they will have a lot of interesting conversations. However this is as far as they would go in terms of compatibility, because other than intelligence the two have very little in common. Virgo is very down to earth, but Aquarius is dreamy and has no concern for small details, that are so important to perfectionist Virgo. Water Bearer usually lets emotions take hold of logic, whilst Virgo's logic is based on available facts and rarely on feelings. The first attraction is usually strong, but it will not last too long as the compatibility between the two isn't really good.
Aquarius ~ Libra
Aquarius as well as Libra is a socialite. The Scales will be intrigued by the Water Bearer's intellect and Aquarius will find a great conversation partner in Libra. The two will never demand too much from each other, and thus both will still keep their so-loved independence. The only serious challenge that might come up is to get Aquarius's commitment, which Libra at some point will want. However if the time is right and Aquarius is serious about the relationship it's completely possible. Libra will also find it difficult to change Aquarius, since Water Bearers are usually strong headed, so there has to be a little adjustments on both sides. All in all the compatibility is great, except for few minor bumps.
Aquarius ~ Scorpio
Scorpio and Aquarius have completely different outlook on life. Scorpio is private and usually has only a handful of very good friends, but Aquarius loves people and has a lot of friends but none too close. Scorpio loves home, but Aquarius always seeks adventure. Scorpions are very emotional and at times are not exactly logical. However Water Bearers are very intellectual and rational. Both signs also exhibit strong character and therefore they will not compromise easy. If astrology is true, then this match is definitely not a good one and will require a lot of adjustments from both sides.
Aquarius ~ Sagittarius
These two signs are two of the most fun-loving and risk-taking signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius and Aquarius share the same love for adventure and are very energetic. If they manage to get along, then one thing is for sure - they will have a lot of fun. Both individuals love their freedom and will not ever ask for much commitment from each other. They will also never feel jealousy. However, if this match is to grow into something more meaningful the two should be careful as not to exercise their freedom too much, otherwise they will drift apart from each other before even noticing it. Apart from that this match is perfect and will bring love and happiness, be it for only a short while or life long.
Aquarius ~ Capricorn
Both individuals exhibit a strong sense of identity, and they will definitely respect each other for that. However at core, they are very different. Whilst Capricorn is very goal-oriented and consistent, Aquarius is an explorer and never keeps concentrated on one subject for too long. This resonates in the relationship too, as Capricorn will want loyalty and commitment, but Aquarius will be unwilling to give in to those demands, as to remain free. Since Capricorns are usually not very expressive when it comes to love matters, and Aquarians are mostly quite aloof and detached, the two might discover distance between each other. Capricorn is so much into consistency and stability that it might bore the adventurous Aquarius, who loves to take risks just for the sake of personal satisfaction. To make this relationship work, the two should really be willing to adjust and compromise, because this match can prove to be a difficult one. At least in astrology it does.
Aquarius ~ Aquarius
This can be a very progressive and fun couple. Aquarians are very free loving people and rarely ask for much commitment, so there will be very few constraints in this relationship. This will allow them to enjoy the time together and yet still be independent enough to not feel the pressure of attachment. Aquarians are also quite stubborn and opinionated, so there can be some clashes and disagreements. The two can also be very unpredictable, and it is very likely that this trait is going to frustrate the both of them. However on the overall this match is a pretty good one, and is definitely going bring about some quality adventure, making the two people really close friends.
Aquarius ~ Pisces
If you were to put an Aquarius and Pisces in one place, after a while you will see them moving in totally opposite directions. That is because their values and goals are completely different. Aquarius wants a partner that will know how to enjoy time together, but will never ask for commitment, because freedom is the top priority for a Water Bearer. Pisces, on the other hand, wants a partner that is truly loyal and can fully give in to the relationship. The problem is also that Aquarius is quite cool and practical, whilst Pisces is very emotional and not exactly practical. The match can still work, but probably not for too long, unless the two are seriously violating the laws of astrology.

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