Chapter 2

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Note: You may will be disappointed in me for this chapter. I'm sorry!!!!! But it had to be done (ノД')

You tripped on the door to Shinan High School.

To be fair, you had been dragging your feet too dramatically to not trip on anything, so you deserved it. The floor looked so welcoming, that you didn't even bother catching yourself and prepared to face plant into the hard tiles. Maybe you'd be able to take a nap if you hit the floor hard enough.


Maybe it was the fact that your brain was muddled from lack of sleep, but wasn't gravity faster than this? It was like you were stopped in motion. Was this the feeling that everyone got when they tripped over a door frame? You wouldn't know-it wasn't every day you willingly tripped over one.

"Girl, what are you doing." It wasn't even a question at this point.

"Dying. Won't you carry my corpse to our homeroom?"

The girl behind you scoffed and forcefully pulled you back into a standing position. Your tired eyes met her fiery ones. "No thanks," she said with a flick of her hair. Your dead stare followed her arm to where it disappeared behind you, probably attached to the handle on your bag. Miyeong let go when you were standing securely, the force from your shoulder straps disappearing like nothing had ever been there.

Counter for having friends stronger than your very being: 2

"Gee, thanks," you drawled, stepping forward and nearly tripping again. This time you caught yourself. "Just so we both know who to blame for this, let me remind you that you're the one who refused to let me sleep until you told me everything that happened while I was gone. Oh, which also had nothing to do with me." The energy you were missing the entire morning began to seep into your body again, probably from interacting with your friend for the first time in months. Your noodle legs were forgotten and you managed to start walking like a normal person again.

Miyeong huffed, walking beside you as you continued down the hall. "You're the one who asked me to tell you what Suah didn't."

"Yeah, sure." Never doing that again, you mentally noted.

You passed by a freshman class, peeking through the side window like a creepy stalker. 1-4 is what you read on the sign, beside it's brother, 1-5. Strangely enough, there weren't any teachers in there. A bunch of girls were lounging around atop their desks, doing their makeup for the day, while the boys were nowhere to be seen, except for a couple of rule-abiding nerds. You hoped that it was the same for your class-it was your first day, and you were running extremely late. You didn't want to be sent back to the principal's office after seeing her yesterday.

You didn't even realize Miyeong was talking to you until she kicked the back of your knee, effectively grabbing your attention and annoyance. On a normal day, you'd laugh and playfully chase her. Today was not a normal day. You were sleep-deprived, starving from not eating dinner last night(because your mom found out about the stack of overdue homework that you hadn't even touched), and worried about being late to class. Miyeong received a glare from you, as dark as you could make it, but it was ignored by her annoyed expression.

"Come on, [Name], at least listen to me when I'm trying to talk to you." A grin replaced her serious look. You frowned back.

"..." No. Come back with ramen and I'll reconsider.

A second passed before Miyeong sighed. "Fine. Make sure to sleep in class, okay? You might kill someone if you stay awake for another minute."

"Oh, don't worry, I will." you began walking again, going up the stairs slowly and forcing Miyeong to slow her steps.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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