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"Miss Vivian are you sure you're up for this assignment"

The doctor asked as i lied down on the metal table next to an unconscious Seth Marcel A convicted criminal and patient at the mental hospital that i worked in, Why i toke this assignment i would be lying if i said i had no clue, I had an idea but i wasn't quite sure if it was the real reason or something my mind decided to make up. I glanced over at the doctor letting out a long exhale before nodding as i closed my eyes lying back i did as i was told letting my mind empty its self breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. Keeping my body still  the tingly feeling spread throughout my body as if my whole body was falling asleep. The darkness behind my eyelids blocking out the world around me when the sounds of the room faded, opening my eyes carefully i notice that i was lying on a dirty mattress on the floor i had to blink a few times reajusting my eyes quickly I noticed a certain Seth Marcel sitting in a chair staring at me with a strange look from above.

"Can i help you, Mr. Marcel?" I tried to keep myself sounding professional, I wasn't afraid no that was not what i felt, Interest was all that ran through my veins at the moment as our eyes connected. I watched at his eyes left mine and made there way looking my body down then up again over and over for a few seconds before he spoke. His voice was cold yet smooth and sexy like dark chocolate his hair was such a dark brown it was almost black along with his eyes they were also so dark they looked black like the night something about those eyes kept me at attention.
"So you're the new meat they decided to toss at me huh?, Well Doll face I'm not your average patient if your as intelligent as you seem then i assume you read my background am i correct?"
I knew that i got myself into something strange but this male was not what i suspected, He was very charming almost hypnotizing me with his words but i couldn't crack i wasn't like the other stupid workers they threw at him no i was a new breed.
"You're correct with your assumption, I have read your back round And all of your files as far back as the police would allow me, I could tell you all the names of your victims what time you killed all of them, And the gender of all of them, That one being an easy one since they were all woman also being the reason my boss wasn't so sure about giving me this assignment but there is nothing you could possibly throw at me that i cant handle, You can give it a shot though. Im up for what ever you would like to talk about that being my reason of being here so go ahead lets see your attempt to scare me off, Because although we are in your head i have this little thing right here," I pointed to my wrist where a red button had been implanted into where that i couldn't die from because they had to be able to take it out when needed. He nodded not letting the eye connection break, I could feel the burning sensation of his stare as i pulled myself off the ground and looked at the spot in front of him with a questionable look.
"May i have a seat, Mr. Marcel"
He smiled when i blinked a chair sat a few feet in front of him quickly i toke my seat and looked into his eyes once more before pulling out a clipboard with a paper that held multiple questions, I decided i was going to take it my own way from the beginning. With a loud cough i cleared my throat, this would be the beginning of a new adventure.
"So Mr. Marcel Am i correct that your first name is Seth?" When he nodded i continued on with a smile. "Okay, Seth if you dont mind me calling you by your first name, In the court case of 2024 you pleaded insanity, But i believe you were lying because and I'm not complimenting you but, You're very intelligent and i think we both know that you knew what you were doing was completely wrong and evil"
He smiled listening to me nodding and or making little noises so that i knew he was paying full attention to our conversation. He stood up turning his chair around and straddling it like a horses back before he responded. The others were right when they said i had never experienced someone of this males skills or charm even his aura brought me closer to him, Something about it screamed danger and i had always been a sucker for the bad boys as a young girl.
"Now Vivian why are you biting that lushish pink bottom lip of yours?, Any who You could say i may have told a slight fib in that court case, But i could also say that i wasn't in my right mind Some would call me insane or as you put it Evil. Ha but i call it genius those people were no longer needed on this earth Doll face they were wasting oxygen like many more that i wish i could of had the chance to take care of like the rest. I am a mastermind just because i have a different way of thinking of life doesn't make me evil, If you see lets say a very attractive male that you want but he is taken would you not try and flirt to see if you were better then the other lass, No that is exactly what you would do"
I wanted to deny it, God i wanted to say it wasn't true but he
Was completely right I was pretty sure now that i was in for a hell of a ride with Seth. I looked down at my hands that were cupped and set neatly in my lap over my short black pencil skirt, The room was starting to feel warm so I Unbuttoned my black dress coat revealing the bright white button up dress shirt that was tucked into my skirt. The first two buttons undone letting my body get some cool air. Seth watched me carefully offering to take my coat causing me to let out laughter.
"Now Seth, I am not stupid i hope you realize I have no problem with holding it myself, Don't worry I am no lazy girl"
Seths eyes almost lit up a smirk spreading across his face as he looked into my eyes licking his lips seductively "I like you Vivian I hope we get to see each other again, As long as you don't fall for me"
"Ha me fall for someone like you, That's a funny joke seriously you could only get with a girl like me in your dreams, Wait you had to force yourself on your victims right you couldn't even get some" I laughed again standing up from the chair my black stilettos clicking on the concrete floor as i looked around taking in the rancid smell of sweat and the smell of iron, Blood We seemed to be in a very Dark and morbid basement the vibe seemed to be quite cold and heavy on my heart almost sad. "So Seth, Why don't you start off by telling me where we are and why?"
Hoping he liked me enough to talk i paced the room walking around the edge of the room running my hand along the rough walls as i listening to him hum slightly before he answered me.
"Actually that's a lovely question Vivian, This was my basement when i was about seventeen i use to take the neighbor hood girls down here and show them my collection of toys, That brings up a beautiful memory, You see about my last year of high school one of the football players thought it would be a good idea to sneak into my house to try and steal some money for booze, Well lets say it didn't end up to good for him I gutted him making sure that he survived long enough to watch me eat his kidney"
For a moment i looked back at him noticing that he was standing behind me his hand running down my spine his other holding me still by my shoulder.
"Did you know Doll face that right....... " He pointed to the end of my spine with his pinky finger "Could paralyze you for ever, I could do what i please to you and you would have no choice"
I stood looking back at him of course i knew i could press the red button and escape at any moment but then they wouldn't allow me to come back if they knew it was this sort of situation, So of course i had to think quick and i did. I bent my back using my bum and my body force to push him back a few feet before using my right arm to push his hand off my shoulder. When he was at a safe distance i stared him down not with an angry expression but an amused look and when i concentrated on his face i noticed that he to looked pleased, Had i done something he liked? One could only guess. His eyes gleamed at me as i dusted off my shirt.
"You Doll face are an interesting Creature i would like to talk to you again, But maybe next time we could talk a little more about you and not so much about me there is nothing really interesting about me but i feel as if you have a grand story to tell and i would love to be there to hear it, You're always welcome here Doll so bring yourself by sometime, Maybe on your own schedule so we can have some private time?"
My eyebrow raised as he spoke to me while i watched him carefully make his way to me setting his hands on my elbows he pulled me close to him my eyes concentrated on his lips as they made there way closer to mine stopping and inch away he glanced into my eyes i hadn't known i was holding my breath until i let out a breath of air when he slid away from my lips and planted his poison kiss on my left cheek. I felt the tingle as my body was quickly pulled back into reality when my eyes opened i was back in the metal room on the metal bed the doctor writing down notes as he stared at the machine that kept my heart beat when i looked my pulse had quickened. Dammit.... When i placed my hands on my cheeks i was blushing i could feel it so with embarrassment i pulled out the IV And the electrodes and ran out of the room after saying i would be back later to share my results. My heels clicked on the tile as i paced down the halls looking around. I couldn't quite grasp this feeling inside my chest, Lust, Love? Fear? All of them maybe i had no clue he stirred up emotions i didn't even know i could feel. It was starting to get dark when i made my way back and gave my clipboard to them i knew that from this day forward he would stalk my sleep, our brains were now synced he could come into my dreams easily and i could do the same but i don't know if i would want to see what kind of dreams a monster like that would have but maybe....I could figure out why he did the things he did maybe it had to do with his past. The doctors didn't recommend it but i do what i believe could help the situation.

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