Restricted Chapter 3 of Tears Run Dry

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Restricted Chap. 3 :DD

After our adventure at the beach, everybody went into there rooms to rest. Apparently, me and Daniel didn’t want to rest. We decided to do something else. ;)

Daniel and I were changing into our PJ’s.

His was his boxers and mine were boy shorts and a tight tank top. Plain and Simple.

Daniel- “Are you sure you want to do this tonight?”

Me- “I’d take you any where. I’m ready.”

I threw myself at Daniel and kissed him roughly. Tonight, I’m playing naughty.

As we kissed, our breathes seemed like it was heating up the room. Once Daniel and I made our way to our bed, he pinned me down with both of his muscular arms either side of my shoulders. I could feel his whole body against mine and I could smell his cologne. Daniel tore off my tank top, revealing my black lacy bra. Daniel started kissing his way down my neck [sucking on one spot, marking me] and across my chest. He reached behind my back, his eyes asking if he can take of my bra. I nodded. Once he unclasped my bra, he whispered “ Your beautiful.” I smiled and pulled him down so he can kiss me. Again, he kissed his way down to my chest. His tongue dance around my nipple, getting me hard. A sound escaping my lips . His right hand was massaging my right breast. He spent some time with my breast. He kissed down my stomach then I stopped him, so I could take off my pants. Also revealing, a black lacy thong . He smirked . He then rubbed me through my lower undergarment. Moans coming out of my mouth. I’m getting wet down there. He pushed his finger against my clit through the fabric. I moaned, he groaned. Daniel added a little more pressure and continue to massage me for a minute gradually pressing his fingers harder against my clit. Hopefully he didn’t notice I got warmer. Finally, he moved my thong to the side and slowly touched my outer lip. Easing his fingers inside me pushing inside further. Sliding his finger back out pushing along my hot inside. My walls clench around his hand. I lifted my hip towards him, so he can thrust a little farther. He started picking up his pace. I was making quite a lot of sounds. Deeper and Deeper. It felt so good. He slid his fingers out and licked them. Such a turn on ! My pussy was throbbing for more. He kissed my pussy and start moving his tongue against it. He put both of his hands on my waist and tore of my bottom undergarment so he can lick me without any barriers. Daniel’s tongue slid into my clit, driving his tongue inside. He whispered to me “I want to taste every inch in your body.” he continued and I continued my moans and grunts. When he was done sliding around my pussy, he then started sucking me. Hell, this feels so fucking great. I was biting my lip so I won’t scream. That’s how amazing this was. I said “I need you in me. Now.” He nodded. I took off his boxers , revealing his beautiful shaft. I was drooling .

He slid on a condom and asked “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s going to hurt since you’re a virgin.”

“I’m sure Daniel.”

I felt the tip touching my lips. He slid in slowly halfway through. Then he pulled out. All of a sudden he pushed back in breaking my hymen. I guess all virgins have these, and when they lose there virginity , the wall breaks. I screamed . Daniel looked at me worriedly. A tear slid down my face, he wipped it off. “Do you want me to stop , Ella?”

“No, keep going.” I demanded.

He thrusted into me slowly then he gradually got fast and deeper. I was moaning more then he fingered me a couple of minutes ago. This was the best part so far. In and out.

“Ella, you feel so tight around me.”

He said between his breathes.

Daniel continued fucking me harder and deeper. I freakin’ climaxed. “ Daniel, I think I’m going to cum !”

“You are? Wait. Well do it together. Hold it together Ella.”

I tried to hold it in. It was so hard. I was biting my lip. I’m pretty sure, I have a mark on there.

“Ella, you ready?” I nodded.

All of a sudden , we exploded into each other. The cum was trailing down my thighs. Daniel pulled out and laid down beside me. He was panting and so was I.

“I love you, Ella”

“I love you, Daniel”

I don’t know why, but we started again when we finally caught our breathes.


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2011 ⏰

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Restricted Chapter 3 of Tears Run DryWhere stories live. Discover now