chapter 1

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Sarah pov

As I stood there in my childhood home, surrounded by boxes full of memories and a future waiting to unfold, a wave of excitement and nervousness washed over me. I couldn't believe that the day had finally arrived for me to leave my small town and venture out into the world for higher education.

My parents looked at me with a mix of pride and sadness in their eyes. My mom wiped away a tear as she hugged me tightly, while my dad stood there trying to keep a brave face. They had always supported my dreams and aspirations, even though it meant saying goodbye to their only child.

"We're so proud of you, sweetheart," my mom said, her voice filled with emotion. "You're going to do great things out there, we just know it."

Dad nodded in agreement, a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Just remember to call us every day and let us know how you're doing. And don't forget to study hard and make the most out of this opportunity."

As we loaded the last of my belongings into the car, my parents shared a bittersweet
look between them. My dad began to reminisce about their own journey of leaving their hometown when they were young and starting a new life together.

"I remember when we moved to the city for college," my dad started, a nostalgic glint in his eyes. "It was scary at first, but we quickly found our way and built a life together. It was the best decision we ever made."

My mom placed a hand on his shoulder, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes, and now it's our turn to watch our little girl embark on her own adventure."And Do you, "Remember Alex from our old neighborhood? He's going to pick you up at the airport and show you around the college and your dorm room. You two used to be such good friends when you were little. But then his family had to move to another town.

My face lit up with recognition. I recalled the fun times me and Alex had playing in the backyard and riding bicycles together. And now, years later, we are going to reconnect as he is going to welcome me to  new college life. I'm excited for the reunion and new adventures ahead,  eagerly prepared for  trip, eager to see old friend and explore the new chapter of her life at college.

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