Chapter 6

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Alex hesitated for a moment, torn between his concern for Sara and the invitation from Jack. He knew that Mia would love to go out and have a good time, but Sara's hurt expression lingered in his mind.

As the phone continued to ring, the sound piercing through the quiet room, Alex finally relented and picked up. "Hello?" he answered, his voice tinged with a touch of apprehension.

"Hey, Alex! It's Jack. Listen, we're at the bar, and you have to come down. Bring Mia along too, it's going to be epic," Jack said excitedly on the other end of the line.

Alex hesitated again, thinking about Sara's sadness and how she had looked at him but Jack's insistence was hard to ignore. "Jack, I don't know if I can make it tonight. I have something going on here," Alex replied, trying to find the right words.

"Come on, man! It's just one night. You need to let loose a bit. Mia will have a blast too. Trust me, you won't regret it," Jack persisted, his voice full of enthusiasm.

Feeling torn and unsure of what to do, Alex ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He knew Mia would enjoy going out and he also needed to get loose a little bit and forget about Sara hurt face After a moment of silence, he finally caved in to Jack's persuasion. "Okay, fine. We'll be there," Alex said, resigning himself to the decision.

"Awesome! Can't wait to see you guys. It's going to be a night to remember," Jack exclaimed before hanging up.
Ashley: Come on, Sara. We've been through a lot today. We deserve to have some fun and let loose. It will be a great way to bond and celebrate our first day as roommates and friends.

Sara: I know, Ashley, but I really don't think we should go out tonight. I have an early class tomorrow, and drinking on a weeknight is not a good idea.

Ashley: Don't worry about it! We'll just have a few drinks, relax, and be back early. It will be fun, I promise.

Sara hesitates for a moment, weighing her options. She knows Ashley is right about needing to unwind after a long day, but she's also worried about the consequences of going out on a weeknight. Ultimately, she decides to give in to Ashley's persuasion.

Sara: Alright, fine. Let's go to the bar for a little bit, but we have to be back early.

Ashley grins and claps her hands in excitement, happy that Sara has agreed to join her.

Ashley: That's the spirit! It'll be a night to remember, I promise.

The two quickly get ready .Sara wore tight black dress.The fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, making a bold statement that effortlessly commanded attention. With her hair styled in loose waves cascading down her back and a touch of red lipstick adding a pop of color to her look, Sara carried herself with an air of confidence and grace.
The atmosphere in the bar was lively as Alex sat with Mia and Jack, sipping on their drinks and sharing stories from their week. Laughter filled the air as they relished in each other's company.

Suddenly, Alex’s eyes locked on the entrance as Sara walked in with Ashley. His heart skipped a beat as memories Sara hurt face his mind.
Sara exuded sophistication and elegance as she stepped into the dimly lit bar, her slender silhouette accentuated by the tight black dress she wore. The fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, making a bold statement that effortlessly commanded attention. With her hair styled in loose waves cascading down her back and a touch of red lipstick adding a pop of color to her look, Sara carried herself with an air of confidence and grace. As she made her way through the crowd, heads turned and whispers followed, drawn in by the magnetic allure of this mysterious woman in black.
Mia noticed Alex’s reaction and followed his gaze. “Is everything okay?” she asked, concern evident in her voice.

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