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When she had gotten back to the dance practice room, she worked with Camus and Cecil who took over what Reiji, Otoya and Tokiya had started with her. She intently listened to them as she kept her mind focused on the music and less on things outside of it. As it got late, the males headed off to bed. But Reina wanted to stay behind to grasp what she had learnt that day.

Reina wanted to prove not just to her stupid mind that she could do whatever she placed her mind to-but to those she once took care of that she could become an idol. That she wasn't just useful as some stupid maid to a bratty, entitled child. As she ended up tiring herself out she fell asleep on the hard ground of the dance practice room without realizing it.

When she woke up, it was due to the fact that Ai had woken her up by poking her face. She grabbed her glasses from beside her as she sat up only to get flustered seeing that she had fallen asleep on the ground. Ai was hugging his legs as he stared at her. "You were in here till late weren't you?"

"Yeah...I think I over did myself. I was practicing for a while after the lot of you left out." She said with a nod of her head

"Seems like someone needs to keep an eye on you or your going to hurt yourself if you keep pushing yourself past your limit Reina."

"It wouldn't be the first or last time Senpai." she said before she got up and stretched her sore muscles. 

Ai got up and placed his hands in his pockets "A few of the guys made breakfast, Nanami couldn't find you so I had a thought that you stayed in here last night and I was right to assume so. You've been so determined that it got into your head. You have a bit of time before you are to go in front of Shining to show him what you have learnt. You don't need to rush yourself."

Reina rubbed her arm nervously. "I...I just don't want to lag behind that's all. I appreciate the help that you all have been giving me and I don't want it to be for nothing."

Ai let out a sigh and placed a hand on the top of her head as he looked her in the eyes. "Listen, it's okay for you to learn slowly. You've never done anything like this before, it's a new experience that you're going to have to teach your body to do. Step by step, day by day. It takes a long time to practice things to make them good enough. You just need to believe that you can do what is being asked of you."

"O...okay Senpai...T-Thank you for saying that."

Ai nodded his head before he smiled at her. "Now let's go eat alright?"


When Ai and Reina got to the dining area she was placed between the two males she sat beside once more, which she didn't mind. It was Haruka who had asked Ai where Reina had been over night. Ai just looked at Reina for a moment as she ate before he looked at Haruka. "She had accidentally fallen asleep in the practicing room last night. I startled her when I woke her up. Seems like she's rather determined and is trying to push herself so it doesn't feel like she's lagging behind everyone else."

"Oh! I see."

Masato and Tokiya looked at one another before Tokiya looked at Reina. "Do you really think you are lagging behind?"

"Yes, I do...As much as I enjoy the help that I get from those who have helped me this far, I truly don't feel like I'm getting any better or that I ever will." Reina said honestly as she looked up at Tokiya

"You've been doing rather well Reina, you've loosened up greatly since you've began getting help from us." Tokiya said with a smile

"I agree with that statement, you used to move as stiff as steel. But you don't anymore, you've let yourself become rather loose and that will make things easier in passing days. Don't give up hope just yet." Ai stated with a nod of his head

"O...okay...I...I'll try not to."

[Complete] Restless mind, Empty heart [Masato Hijirikawa Love story]Where stories live. Discover now