Chapter 14

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"Daddy Qiao! How'd you do that?! A come-from-behind solo kill on Jayce!"
Old Wo, unhurriedly farming and minding his own business, howled his praises through their team's voice channel.

Lu Zhe survived by a thread, with just a sliver of HP left. He wore a smile in his voice as he said, "This is a debt that can never be repaid. Qiaoqiao, I owe you my life."

While they spoke, Shen Qiao took down Jarvan IV as well. Then he teamed up with Old Wo to beat the shit out of Lucian. Leona circled around at a distance, but couldn't find an opportunity to slip in and save her teammates. In the end, she turned and hurried away without joining the fray.

Shen Qiao turned and started heading into the enemy's jungle to farm some creeps. A lazy, insolent remark drifted into the voice channel.

"No need," he said. "It's not good to repay kindness with malice."

Their other teammates all laughed, but Lu Zhe continued on as though he hadn't heard anything at all. He followed after Shen Qiao without touching any of the monsters in the jungle. He only continued to chirp in Shen Qiao's ear, with that good-natured smile in his voice-

"Qiaoqiao, do you want these krugs?"

"Qiaoqiao, I'll guard the red buff for you. Come on over after you get the blue one."

Qian Bao coughed softly into her mic and pointedly said, "Ahem."

Lu Zhe's warm and gentle voice suddenly cooled. He intoned, emotionlessly, "I dunno what that's supposed to mean. Everything that's mine is Qiaoqiao's. The rest of you, don't even think about running wild in the jungle."

"When you decide to be someone's dog," Qian Bao muttered, "you really go all out."

"Captain," Er-Hua said. "Don't you think you've changed too much, too fast?"

Lu Zhe didn't seem to think there was anything inappropriate about his over-the-top show of favoring Shen Qiao at all. Rather than seeing it as shameful behavior, he seemed rather proud of himself. He boastfully replied:

"Don't ask. If you ask, my only answer is I love being Qiaoqiao's dog."

As he listened to Lu Zhe banter with his teammates, Shen Qiao continued to farm in the jungle. He seemed completely unperturbed, but there was an imperceptible hitch in his breathing. He snuck a glance at the windows of the training room and found that they were open, which left him feeling somewhat bewildered-


Fresh air was circulating through the room.

So why did he feel like he was getting hotter and hotter?


During the team fight in which they established an advantage over their opponents, Shen Qiao, Old Wo, and LeBlanc each took a kill. Team DG quickly caught up to the gap that had been opened by BLX earlier in the match.

But BLX wouldn't just watch them take flight. In front of an ocean dragon spawn, they dragged DG into another team fight.

Shen Qiao led the charge. He quickly became the target of all their enemies' attacks; his death was only a matter of time. When his character avatar grayed out, Lu Zhe, Qian Bao, Old Wo, and Er-Hua retaliated. By the time all members of the two teams had flung their abilities at each other, Er-Hua had fallen in battle.

In exchange, DG had claimed the lives of Jayce, Lucian, and Leona.

Two for three. Plus, DG slew the dragon as well.

Lu Zhe tsked softly. "This round was a loss."

After a moment, he continued, "Qiaoqiao. Next time, hide behind me. Let Er-Hua and Old Wo take the lead, then you go reap the rewards."

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