part 46

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Mikayla's pov

Early in the morning I got up and made breakfast for the kids as they got up and slowly started getting dressed and made their way to the kitchen, I was almost done cleaning the dishes when I got a phone call from Sabrina my old best friend who moved during freshman year

I answered the phone call and she told me she wanted to link up at the diner for lunch, the kids went to school after they finished eating breakfast so I grabbed my keys and got in my car and drove to the diner in town, I parked my car and got out and walked inside the diner as I seen Sabrina sitting in a booth

I walked over to her and sat in front of her and smiled

" Wow Kayla, it's been a long time since I've seen you " Sabrina said as I sighed

" Sure has " I said

" I almost didn't recognize you without your highlights and several boyfriends " Sabrina said as I rolled my eyes

" They weren't my boyfriends...they weren't even my friends....they just wanted a girl to hang out with them to make them seem cooler " I said as Sabrina sighed

" They wanted to be your friend but you pushed them away all because of your dad " Sabrina said as I rolled my eyes

" Don't bring him up " I said as Sabrina sighed

" Sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about it...he ruined your high school experience " Sabrina said as I sighed

" I'm a vampire because of him " I said as Sabrina smiled

" I know, do you ever wish you could turn back time and redue everything? " Sabrina asked me as I nodded

" All the way back to when I started freshman year " I said as Sabrina smiled

" What if I told you their was a way " Sabrina said as I furrowed my brows and she pulled a piece of paper out of her bag and handed it to me

" Where'd you find this? " I asked her as I looked at the paper

" Back when I dated Benny...I found this in his grandmother's house...I have to warn you there's a lot of consequences that comes with it " Sabrina said as I sighed

" Why does that not surprise me...Benny uses spells all the time and theirs always consequences " I said as Sabrina nodded

" That's because he's an idiot...look this will change the way you look, take away your vampire abilities and it'll cause Ethan and Benny and Rory and Erica and Sarah to lose their vampire powers if used correctly " Sabrina said as I grabbed the paper

" So you mean if I use this spell... everything will go back to the day I met them " I said smiling

" Yeah, but if they find out there not gonna be happy " Sabrina said as she got up and left the diner

As I looked at the paper I sighed and got up and walked home, I walked into my house and walked upstairs to my room I shut my door and layed on my bed as I examined the spell..I put the spell on my nightstand and layed down and fell asleep

In the morning at school me and my friend Sabrina were in my theater class talking when Ethan and his friends walked in

" Aha, there you are " Benny said as they walked over to me as I got up and they walked onto the stage

" What do you want? " I asked Benny as Ethan sighed

" Benny thinks you stole a page from his spell book " Ethan said as I crossed my arms and sighed

" No I didn't " I said as Sabrina smiled

" No she didn't " Sabrina said as I furrowed my brows

" Sabrina, I got this " I said as she giggled

" Oh sweetie, no you don't...see these three geeks are the reason your practically becoming a nerd " Sabrina said as I scoffed at her

" Nerd? You think that I'm becoming a nerd....okay, first off I'm nothing like those geeks " I said as Sabrina smiled

" Oh really, then why'd you date all three of them? " Sabrina asked me as I sighed

" Sabrina, I know what your trying to do and please don't..." I begged her as she smirked and crossed her arms

" What's going on? " Rory asked us

" Someone still has feelings for a certain geek but I have a special friend who's able to fix it " Sabrina said as I got confused when I heard footsteps behind me

" Knock knock " a man said as I turned to face him

" Dad? " I said as my dad smiled at me

" Hi sweetheart " my dad said as Ethan had a confused look on his face

" What are you doing here? " I asked him as he sighed

" Well first off I'm wondering the same thing....but the better question is....why are you dating a bunch of nerds for? " My dad asked me as the three boys got offended

" Because I'm in love with him " I said as the three boys looked at each other

" Who? " They said at the same time

" It took me years to train you to be the best daughter I could ever want and now I see how much I've are an embarrassment to the family " my dad said as ethan furrowed his brows and scoffed

" Well now we know why Mikayla is the way she is " Benny mumbled

" Feelings mutual, at least I didn't have to bite my kid to turn them " I said as everyone gasped

" Wait so you were bitten by your dad? " Ethan asked me

" Yeah, way before I met you guys " I said as tears started building up

" Mikayla, I will not tolerate you falling in love with a are to marry someone who is your kind " my dad said as he started getting closer to me

" I will never marry a vampire " I said as I grabbed the spell from my pocket and started reading it as Benny and Ethan got confused

" Mikayla, what are you doing? " Ethan asked me

" Getting rid of my powers " I said as I felt completely drained and Jake, fawn and Oliver passed out along with me and we disappeared into thin air

Ethan's pov

Me and Benny watched as Mikayla used a spell from Benny's spell book to get rid of her powers but then her and our kids passed out and disappeared into thin air

" What just happened? " Benny asked me

" I have no clue " I said

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