Chapter 2: A few problems

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Book opened her eyes to an absolutely horrific sight. Numerous objects were dead, each of them murdered in horrific ways, some barely even recognizable. She shakily gasped, tears forming in her eyes. She ran, coming across more and more bodies. She continued running, hoping to find out what happened, hoping to find some sort of explanation. When she finally found something, she halted where she stood. It was the most terrifying thing she'd ever seen.

A humongous cloud of dark, glitchy substance consumed almost everything, reaching everything it could, breaking objects right in half

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A humongous cloud of dark, glitchy substance consumed almost everything, reaching everything it could, breaking objects right in half. "No...NO!!!" Book wailed out, tears rolling down her cover. The substance slowly crept toward her. "OH GOD! AAAHH!! NONONO SOMEONE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP!" she screamed, but it was too late. She was surrounded. She squeezed her eyes shut as it consumed her.

"AHHHHHH!" Book jolted awake in a cold sweat. It was just a nightmare. "Thank god..." she muted, still a bit shaken up. She heard a voice from behind her. "You alright?" Lollipop said. "Uh..yeah! Just a bad dream!" Book said, forcing herself to smile. Something was off that dream. That didn't feel like a normal dream. Whatever , she thought to herself. Lollipop continued talking.  "That's good. Anyways, bossy bot got some weird unknown disease. Just wanted to let you know in case it's contagious or something." Books eye's widened slightly. A disease? I'd better be careful. Lollipop walked away, and Book got up to continue her daily routine.

(With TB and GB)

Golfball felt like shit. Her whole head hurt really badly, and she had a fever. On top of that, her mind would randomly blank out, and she was hearing this weird voice. Her right eye was also turning a bit read and glowy. She looked over to the vial containing the substance she'd found yesterday. Had it caused her sickness? If so, what else could it do? Any normal object would be afraid of this mysterious, glitchy slime, but GB wasn't normal. It fueled her curiosity and fascinated her to the core. "Golfy, here's some water to help you feel better" Tennisball chirped, handing her a glass. "Thanks" GB blankly said, still looking at the vial. Once her assistant left the room. The walked toward the slime.

Its scent was strong, and to be fair, it smelled disgusting. GB didn't care, as she rotated the vial, observing it closely. She then reached inside it and touched it. She immediately pulled away, screaming slightly. It felt like she was electrocuted. She giggled. "Very interesting" she said, giggling a little. Her joy only lasted a little bit though, as a sharp pain coursed through her whole head. She heard weird voices and whispers from all around her. She grunts in pain and fear. She began to feel lightheaded and nauseous. The pain in her head got worse, and voices only got louder. Finally, she collapsed onto the ground.

Something inside her snapped.

Coiny and Pin were having a stroll together, since it was sunny out and they didn't anything else to do

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Coiny and Pin were having a stroll together, since it was sunny out and they didn't anything else to do. Coiny reached out and to hold her hand. Pin noticed, and blushed, pulling her hand away. Then they came across the forest. Coiny's eyes lit up. "Pin! Pin! Let's go in there!" Pin looked at him like he had just kissed a slug. "Absolutely not Coiny! For all we know, literal death could be hiding in there!" "Cmon! It'll be an adventure, don't you wanna have an adventure?" Pin sighed in annoyance. Fine, but only because you're my friend. Coiny felt a bit hurt at the word friend due to his crush on Pin, but still, and responded with a cheerful "Yipee! Let's go!"

Coiny and Pin actually began to have a pretty fun time in the forest. Coiny leapt from the log he was standing on and ran over to a tree to which he began to climb. Pin noticed an called out "Be careful Coiny! Don't hurt yourself!" and in response Coiny also called "Don't worry, I won't" A butterfly then landed on Pin's arm, receiving a happy giggle from her. Coiny slid down the tree, which was a bit dangerous because he was about 20 feet up high but whatever. "Did you see how high I was?" Coiny exclaimed excitedly. "I did!" Pin replied, still smiling.

A weird noise faintly echoed through the dark forest. "C-Coiny? Did you hear that?" Coiny looked at her, a bit confused. "I didn't head anything! You worry too much." Coiny said. Pin looked around, green sweat sliding down her face. The sound was heard again, slightly louder this time. It sounded like a giggle, and it sounded like someone they knew. "Hold on...I hear it too!" Coiny chimed. The strange giggles continued, as Coiny and Pin looked around anxiously.

Suddenly they saw something dart across from behind the trees. Pin looked down at Coiny. "We need to leave, now." The orange coin nodded as the gripped hands and darted out the forest as fast as they could. Once they'd finally made their way out of the wretched woods, they stopped running, panting to catch their breath. They turned and smiled at each other, happy they both ended up okay. They looked up to see a bunch of objects all gathered around something. They lightly pushed past them to see what they were looking at. Their eyes widened at what they saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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