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Derek reaches in his cabinet for a bowl to put his cereal in. He places his bowl on the counter and opens the fridge to grab the carton of milk. "Damn it" he mumbles as he realizes his milk carton is empty. He already knows peter chugged it all down. He grabs the keys to his camero and heads down the loft and to his car. He gets in it and drives to the store.

Once he arrives, he quickly jumps out the car hoping to make it a quick trip. He walks in and gets a blast of warm air, he sighs in relief because of the fact that it is freezing outside. Derek makes his way to the freezers, and grabs a carton of milk. He then decides a few snacks couldn't hurt, and makes his way to the snack isle. When he steps in the isle, he grabs a pack of Oreos to complement with the milk. As he crouches down to grab a party pack, knowing peter will try to eat it all, he catches a familiar scent. Stiles? he thinks to himself. He quickly stands up and turns around to see someone standing behind him, back faced toward him.

"Stiles?" Derek says slowing stepping towards him. The man turns around and it is none other than "STILES!" Derek shouts and quickly pulls him into a hug. "Hey man!" Stiles says while chuckling. After a few seconds Derek pulls away, still holding his arms with his hands "Wow Stiles, you look so different" he says looking him up and down, noticing a tattoo of a tiger on his hand, and not even noticing himself gripping onto the slight biceps he had. Stiles chuckles at his words. He hugs Derek once again, wrapping his arms around his neck and sighs, feeling relief from just the touch of Derek as he wraps his arms around Stiles waist.

Once they finally manage to let go of one another, Derek just stares into his hazel eyes that seem to be shining. "So..you wanna get out of here and catch up?" Stiles says, his hands slightly touching his chest. "Yeah, let's go to my place." Derek says as he picks up his milk and Oreos that he dropped.

"Did you drive here?" Derek asks while scanning his and Stiles items at the self checkout "No I took an uber...for some particular reason.." Derek was curios what the reason was, but decided not to say anything. "Well i'll drive you to my place" Derek says slightly smiling at Stiles. "Derek. Hale. Was that a smile i just saw?" Derek chuckles and shakes his head. "Come on let's go" he says once he finishes bagging all the items.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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