Hair dye one shot (finally!)

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(ok for convenience purposes im going to be calling U eugene and P pauline cause I don't want to get confused with that stuff later)

My human design reference :P

Also I would just like to say that if you have any advice, or criticism, please tell me!

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Also I would just like to say that if you have any advice, or criticism, please tell me!

Anyways hope y'all enjoy :D

Eugene was bored. Unbelievably bored. Unbelievably, unexpectedly, unceremoniously, un- well, you get the point. There were more describing words he could have tried to use but that would have taken a while. He was just about to walk home when- "Hi!". Unexpectedly a girl swung down from the tree he was sitting under. "OH GAhHhHD" he exclaimed. "Pauline, you scared me!" "Pshh, not my fault you're such a coward." Eugene just rolled his eyes. "Anyways, whatcha doing?" "Ugh, that's the thing, I have nothing to do! I'm so bored I almost considered talking to my mom about deep cleaning the house." He whined. Pauline sucked a breath in through her teeth. "Yikes, you must be really desperate. I do have something we can do together though." "What is it?" Pauline did a fist pump and a maybe not so quiet celebration. "Can you help me dye my hair?"

"Are you sure this is a store we can walk into without getting murdered?" Eugene joked. The convenience store where they were going to get the hair dye of choice looked quite sleazy. It was falling apart slightly, and it didn't look like they carried anything that would actually work. "Pft, it's fine, I come here all the time and it works for me. Got a discount from the owner once, actually." Eugene was nervous as the overthinker he is, but Pauline dragged him in anyways. Despite appearances, the store was quite nice inside, with air conditioning and a couple of shopping carts to take. Eugene grabbed one. "Alrighty Pauline, lead me to the hair section." They walked down to the aisle of hair dye, the shelf practically towering over them. "Ok Gene, the colors I was thinking of doing are purple, blue and green. Oh, also, I almost forgot but we also need to get some hair bleach as well." "Are you sure those colors will look good together?" "I have absolutely no idea, but I guess we'll find out together, right?" "I guess." They dumped their products in the cart. Eugene was about to push the cart (which was not actually needed, their things took up maybe a fifth of the space at most) Pauline exclaimed 'Ooh! Wait! I have an idea!" "Oh no..." Pauline's ideas were not usually known to be the most thought out. When Eugene and Pauline were younger, she took a plastic bag up to a tree and attempted to use it as a parachute. It didn't work and she broke her leg, but it was an interesting attempt. "What if I jump in the shopping cart and then you can push me down the aisle really fast?!" Eugene sighed. "This is going to be a really stupid thing to do..." Pauline looked at him with her best and most pitting puppy dog eyes. "Pleaseee?" "Ughhhh fine! But if we get in trouble it is all your fault." Pauline hopped in the cart with ease. "Push me, peasant!" She said in her best mock "important person" voice. Eugene rolled his eyes and smiled, backed down the aisle and ran down it the fastest he could.

After their slightly chaotic time at the corner store, they finally got back to Pauline's house and went into the bathroom. "Ok Gene, with the bleach solution, after you put it on the hair you have to wrap it in tin foil so it is less streaky. It says it takes about... an hour or so. Wanna watch a movie?" Eugene was zoning out a bit, just belching and wrapping her hair. "Eugene?" He suddenly snapped out of it. "Huh? Oh yeah, sure." After Eugene finished wrapping her bangs (and a few strips of hair on her ponytails) they went to the living room and started a movie. After around an hour they took the tin foil strips off to check the progress. Paulines hair was almost completely platinum blonde. "Dang! I didn't even think it would get that light in a day!" "Yeah, it's insane" They got out the hair dye colors and mixed them together (in separate bowls). "So, how am I supposed to put the hair dye in?" "Aw it's good, I can deal with this part." Pauline meticulously parted her hair and dyed the separate sections. Eugene carefully watched and admired her as she carefully worked on her hair. "Alright, we have it all done! Now it's just time to wash the remaining dye out." Pauline walked to the bathtub, turned on the tap and washed it. "Wow, you look really good with those colors.". Pauline smiled and said "Thanks". Eugene phones rang. "Aw crap my mom says I have to come home now, but I had a really fun time with you."

Again, if you have any critique I would be open to hear it, if I wrote the characters wrong or anything then I would love to know.

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