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A Beautiful morning in Kim mansion

Mr.Kim means Hoseok was watching news, Mrs.Kim means Yoonji was massaging her husband's head, elder son of Kim's Means Yoongi was doing paperwork of office while son in law of the home means Jimin is making breakfast

Everyone was busing in their work when they heard a Cracked voice

" H-Hyung "

All except Jimin who was in the kitchen looked at the entery path of the mansion and their heart break

There his baby brother standing with his bag and little baby in his arms with tears flowing down his eyes

" TAE! " Shouted Yoongi and run to his baby brother engulfing him in a tight

" What happened Tae? " asked Yoongi worriedly

Tae didn't said anything just hugged Yoongi fisting his shirt and with other hand the baby and cried

" Shh don't cry bear hyungie is here " Said Yoongi and took Tae to the couch and made him sit there

Yoonbi [ Yoonji x Hobi ] looked at Tae worriedly and was about to ask something but Yoongi signaled them to keep quiet and they nodded

" Bear drink water " Said Yoongi placing a glass of water infront of Tae's mouth who drink it slowly holding Yoongi's hand

That time Jimin came to the living room

" Everyone breakfast is ready come- " Jimin stopped in the middle seeing Tae and frowned seeing him crying

" Tae bear my baby what happened sweetheart? " asked Jimin hugging Tae

Tae just hide his face in Jimin's chest and cried which made all more worried

" Shh bear Bhabhi is here nothing will happen " Said jimin softly patting Tae's back

[ Bhabhi means Elder brother's wife also friends wife ]

After Tae clamed down,

" What happened bear can you tell us? " asked Yoongi softly

Tae nodded and hiccuped to which Jimin made him drink water

" T-Today H-Hwan come to my room and said he want D-divore b-because I never let him touch me I can't satisfy him and he will marry his l-love Lee Hana....... Hana was p-pregnant and have gave b-birth to this baby girl after divorcing him they were going to leave this baby in the o-orphanage so i-i took her with me " Said Tae hiccuping

Tae is 25 y/o he was married to Hwan when Tae was 24 but Tae never let Hwan touch not even a finger, they sleep in separate room

when After 1 month Tae finally thought he will become Hwan's that day he saw Hwan making out with a maid, after that day he never trusted Hwan never

Yoongi's blood boiled hearing that but he somehow clamed himself so does hobi

" H-hyung " Called Tae

" Yes bear? " asked Yoongi softly patting Tae's head

" I'm Kim Taehyung not Choi I hate it " Said Tae

" Yes Tae your Kim Taehyung not choi " Said Yoongi with serious tone

" Did I did something wrong hyung? " asked Tae looking at Yoongi who hugged him tightly

" No bear you did everything correct I'm proud of you " Said Yoongi and Tae hugged him tightly

After sometime,

" I'll just fresh up and come " Said Tae wiping his tears and all nodded

Tae with the baby girl went upstairs to his room and fresh up and came downstairs with the babygirl wrapped in a soft towel

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