Chapter 16

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Hello Everyone hope you all are doing fine the updates are bit irregular but I am trying 🙂


As soon as she left I felt my heart rate increasing anger surging from every nook and cranny I  couldn't help it, Its been so long since last someone talk to me like that, my whole body shook I took multiple breath to control myself from erupting. But I knew it well that somewhere fault lies in my conduct as well.

At least she is strong willed...he mumbled to himself and asked for butler while moving towards his in house office, Whenever anger took over him it's hard to distinguish right from wrong only after it subsided did he get the clear picture just like now he realized that beside intial report he didnt even bother to ask complete reasoning yet he lash out on her just like that, he cursed himself internally .

Soon the knock appeared disrupting the deafening silence of room bringing Azlaan back from his train of thoughts, rubbing his temples lazily he asked the other person to come in.

Sameer seems to called Sir.

What happened this morning with sharp cut tone he heard his Sir spoke coldly with his same deep voice that carries a hint of restlessness.

The man sitting on other side on table even though lazily, demands respect and recognition his Aura is that of those predators whose mere presence in same space made oneself feel overwhelmed and suffocated, Sameer was no different yet he knows how to mask his emotions into that of indifference learned much from his Sir..

Sameer begins to narrate the morning incident in his robotic way, only stopping once done...while carefully noticing each change in expression from anger, to realization, to consideration to guilt...he who seems to be prepared for proper scolding didnt recieve any...

For the very first time he saw so many emotions in his eyes like passing clouds, each shaping his deamoner and Aura, Sameer found himself in doubts and shock..The room doesnt feel that suffocating What changed?

Leave....Azlaan managed to say these words between his train of thoughts.

just as Sameer was about to turn..

Send Asha Ma'am ....with a nod he left the space taking deep breaths.

As soon as the door closes leaving him in silence he internally cursed himself for his conduct. How can he do something that stupid it brings him shame to admit that for the first time he acted without thinking... Anger got the better of him. No matter how much he wanted to run away from her, the truth is one way or another he can hardly scape. The bond they are in demands it, Its comes naturally and its increasing day by day.

Since the day he bring her in his Nikkah. He had wanted things to remain same. He had wanted nothing to change but does he get it his way?. No. And the irony of all this is that here he wanted to deny everything that has to do with her. On the other hand she is being herself.

He rubbed his temples once again.. The headache again surging with great intensity.
And a sigh left his lips...

Why has it become so unreasonably hard.
The wall never crumbled before.
Why does it feel like it's slowly shattering into pieces.
And soon left me with nothing but vulnerable and exposed.

I wanted nothing to do with her. respect is essential for it to work. So let's just keep all this to that.


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