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They all felt the pot shake “This is it Mr. Dinkles” Biggie said as Branch stood in front of Poppy while he saw his brothers get ready for anything to happen only for 



Bridget turned the pot for every troll to escape, “I can't let them eat you. You have to go” Poppy was just sad “Bridget you go back without you know what they will do to you”.

“Poppy you taught me how it means to be happy, and I can't thank you enough for that” Bridget as Poppy hugged her finger 

Branch was staring at it all, maybe Bergen's can change

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“Our new queen!” King Peppy said as everyone cheered as Branch held her hand as Smidge lifted the mushroom they were on. 

“I know it isn't hug time but?” Branch held out his arms as Poppy cleared her throat “Now that I'm queen I'd say hug time is every time” They joined into a hug celebration the new freedom they have against their longest enemy.

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Back in Troll's Village, Branch was just cleaning the Pod while Ablaze was baking sweet bread until Boom came to the door

“Guys! Guess what!” Boom held a letter, “We got permission to go on a Tour!” Ablaze and Branch looked exited as the looked at their venues Vacay Island, Bergen Town Castle Hall, Mount Rageous, Pop Village.

“Pop Village?” Branch was confused and Boom grabbed the map that had their venues, “It says Pop Village is here, but this isn't Pop Village it's Troll Village?” Boom, Ablaze and Branch all looked at each other “Must be a typo, but we will go on tour next year”

Trickee came into the Pod, “Hey Boom!” Trickee lifted his Goggles “I made map print-outs on the tour, so people can get their tickets” then he looked at everyone, and they all looked confused “What wrong do I have something on me?”

Everyone laughed when Trickee said that he was always the one to cheer everyone up, but he was clueless “No, No we just saw the map and was confused on some naming but you're good man”

Branch even put his hand on Trickee back and patted him, Trickee just shrugged “So where's Hype?” “No clue, I wasn't with him all day”

Everyone just Shrug, they knew Hype was probably just out in the market

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Hype was being a wingman for the guy he sees as his little brother

“And he just the cutest smile, and he's so smart-” Poppy has spent all Hype’s time basically dreaming about Branch and knowing he has a crush he's not damned to get him a girlfriend

“How about you talk to him?” Hype said and Poppy blushed as she hid her face with her hair “No, no, no I'm sure Branch isn't interested in me besides I'm the Queen I'm sure people expect me to do Queen things and not date boy band members” Poppy chuckled as Hype felt a groan in his head.

“Why are both of you so dense? ” Hype thought he thought but no, he said that out loud and Poppy screech “Wait what do you mean Hype!” Poppy was shaking Sorry B guess I have to tell now.

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“Well our manager say we travel here we travel there” Branch says as everyone agreed “Hey maybe Vacay Island has some great nachos” Ablaze said already thinking of the tour that in the coming months

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