Chapter Eleven 🔥

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May 4th, 1667

Rafe knew that they had gotten lucky to head out early before the rain had come, but as he stared out the open front door of the Winstead family home he regretted setting out at all that day. The rain was coming down in sheets, and he could see rivers of water forming on the worn paths across the plains before him. Phoebe and him had enough foresight to forego the carriage to the Winstead family home and they each rode their own horse to get there. It was easier to travel when they did not have to worry about the carriage becoming stuck.

But the weather was still less than ideal. The rain had been nonstop for nearly four hours, and he could see by the blackened clouds overhead that the storm would not be subsiding for a while yet. He knew that they would be in for an ordeal getting back to Briar Keep once Phoebe's business was finished.

Phoebe had wanted to come today, and I couldn't deny her. He smiled sadly to himself. Oh to have finally met a maiden who has captured my heart, and she doesn't want it...

It had been difficult listening to Phoebe and her insistence that she remain a spinster. Rafe had never heard of a woman strive to be a spinster before. Even his cousin Elisa, who was a spinster, seemed very bitter about the fact that she was. Though Elisa was blessed to be a Northcutt, so despite being a spinster her position was secured lifelong. But House Benton was not as prosperous as House Northcutt, and though Phoebe's immediate family had higher station than the rest of her family they could barely be called nobles. A spinster in House Benton did not have the same financial security as a spinster in House Northcutt.

Furthermore, as a woman Phoebe was not guaranteed employment as a physician no matter how brilliant she was. No matter how much people of rank vouched for her skill, pursuing her dream on her own would be difficult. She was going to face opposition no matter where she went. No matter if she saved both a noblewoman and her babe, nor the fact that she was key to solving the mystery of a "plague" that had killed so many people. She was not going to be lauded in her trade. Rafe knew this, and he was angered on her behalf that she would never be publicly appreciated for her efforts.

She must know all of this, but she doesn't care. She still wants to try and help people. She wants to have a trade. And...she wants to do it alone.

Rafe closed his eyes. He had been truthful when he promised to support Phoebe and her dream. The genius that she possessed was surely a gift from God, and such genius needed to be put to use. Even if society would never appreciate or respect her for it, Rafe wanted to stand by her side while she maintained her trade. But she had rejected him. She had taken his declaration of love, his proposal, and his vow to always support her, and she had staunchly refused him. It had been difficult and it had hurt him so deeply...but he knew there was nothing he could do.

I have a higher station, but I would never force marriage upon her. That would breed resentment. I only would want her if she wants me...and she does not want me. So I cannot have her. Damn! Rafe clenched his jaw and his fist at his side. Did Gavin feel this painful sorrow when he was forcibly separated from Lady Diana? For the longest time he also thought that he could not be with the woman he loved. How did he survive?

"Lord Northcutt?"

Rafe snapped to attention and fixed a polite smile on his face as he turned away from the front door. "Goodwife Winstead," he greeted the woman with a respectful bow. "How may I be of service?"

"Do not worry about servicing me, Milord," Goodwife Winstead responded. She beckoned him to the dining table, where tea had been set. "Lady Benton is still tending to me husband, but she said she should be done shortly."

"Is Goodman Winstead better?" Rafe took a seat and drank some tea.

"Aye, praise the Lord," Goodwife Winstead sighed. "Nearly lost him though. He was at death's door when we discovered the—poison. Even after getting treatment for poison the other doctors said I should prepare for the worst. Lady Benton said that my husband's age, and the amount of that bad water he drank, that he will take longer than the rest to get his health back." She dabbed at her eye with the edge of her apron. Rafe offered her his handkerchief. "Thank you, Milord. I am pleased that he has lived. God willing he will get better."

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