Chapter 02: Commotio Cordis

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Yamaguchi listened to the beeping of the heart monitor from where he sat next to Kageyama's bed. He started at the ground to his feet, unmoving.

The shock still lingered in his bones first upon seeing what had transpired on the court and then again as they were finally allowed to join Kageyama in the hospital room he had been placed in after painful hours of waiting for all the necessary tests to be done.

Emergency scans were ordered to get to the bottom of the sudden condition. There were no previous indicators or warning signs. It just happened out of the blue.

They had yet to get the results but at least Kageyama didn't require to be in the ICU after the paramedics stabilized him. There was a general air of confusion about what happened and they checked up on him frequently despite the machines monitoring him.

His Coach also stopped by briefly to talk with the doctors and inform them that after the traumatic event, the game had indeed been postponed.

Further, he advised them not to check social media for now. It had been chaos at the gym and the reporters present as well as people from the crowd couldn't be stopped from posting pictures of it everywhere almost immediately.

Instead of discussing how this hindered the work of the paramedics or how the teams offered support immediately and put the game aside in favour of helping, the discourse was apparently focused on their relationship.

A bitter taste assembled in his mouth at the thought.

It wasn't like they had been secretive about it but for privacy reasons, they never confirmed it in interviews and kept a low profile when out in public. Now their horrified expressions at seeing one of their partners literally almost die were spread everywhere.

Tsukishima couldn't have been stopped from checking the news once it was mentioned. He had been staring angrily at his phone ever since, scrolling.

Yamaguchi didn't stop him. It seemed to help him to be distracted by something else while they were literally left to wait for either Kageyama or wake up or a doctor to come in and finally explain what was going on.

Meanwhile, Hinata walked up and down and occasionally commented on something he saw on Tsuki's or his own phone.
"What do they mean 'greedy'? Or 'Too many partners'? I thought we had moved past that."

"We're public figures Sho," the blonde replied. "They don't actually care, as long as you are somewhat famous someone will have something to say about it."

The ginger grumbled angrily under his breath and picked up speed again.

"On the plus side, most express shock and wish Kageyama a swift recovery. Some even point out how inappropriate the media coverage is already," Yamaguchi added. He couldn't bear it anymore and took a look at the disaster himself. It was indeed a welcome distraction no matter how insulting larger parts of it were.

Tsukishima huffed annoyed.
"And yet somehow the focus is still 'Why did we keep our relationship secret?' as if this doesn't prove exactly why we haven't been shouting it from the rooftops."

Hinata agreed wholeheartedly and threw his hands up in frustration. He stumbled a little on his next step and Tsukishima immediately rushed over to him.
"Sit down for a moment. You have already exerted yourself enough in the game."

Commotio Cordis | TsukiYamaKageHina - Angst (With happy end)Where stories live. Discover now