Chapter 1

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Y/n's pov:

Hwang Hyunjin is the most handsome in our university and here's me..a low life girl just in the corner forever, I've been living since forever and still don't have a boyfriend..while everyone around me seems like have one.

my friends are few to none 

Hyunjin and I are living in a completely different worlds, if I get too close I'll probably burn like a piece of charcoal because of his beauty! 


that's right

I'll just act like an unpopular girl should and continue admiring him just in my heart 

that's what I thought..


Everyone is passing their answer sheet right now because the exam just ended, and guess what?? I couldn't be much happier and luckier this school year because I'm with the same class as Hyunjin! 

Looking around where Hyunjin is with his friends laughing and talking about I don't know what, and I feel like this is heaven!!

"ah! Hyunjin is jut so handsome!"

"he's a real catch!"

"we've got a chance too, you know?" 

I heard almost every girl in this room is talking about Hyunjin endlessly 

"I heard he changes girlfriends every two or three months" 

huh? they're at it again, I've heard these rumors since the very beginning about him..well maybe I'll get close to her when the pigs fly!

I mean..since becoming in a senior year right now, I don't think I made new friends and if I actually talked to anyone at all..

well..Karin, Mia..t-they're just fellow introverts like me hayy..


I snap back to reality when someone suddenly appear infront of me

"may I borrow your mechanical pencil?" it's Hyunjin! my eyes widen and I almost fell from my sit but I tried to act normal infront of him 

I quickly get it from my bag and handed it to him, he just reach it from my hand and started using it

omo! why he's so close to me right now? the features of his face they're made from the hand of gods! 

but on top of that he approached someone like me so naturally..well, he's been like that ever since, he treats everyone equally even he's really popular, that side of him..

"thank you" he handed me the mechanical pencil with a soft smile written on his face, as I reach for it I felt like the time has stop and my world is getting smaller 

I watch him handing his answer sheet to our prof with a smile 

"sorry for the wait"-Hyunjin

"let's go home Hyunjin" his friend said to him and I watch them leave the room 

that little happening is just enough for me to fall for him..

next day..

"damn! I didn't get any sleep at all!" Karina said as we are now at the rooftop eating our lunch, all of us three together because well..we're kinda seen as weird introverts  

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