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I woke up in my husband's arms , I kissed his forehead and caressed his cheeks . He held me more tighter burying his face in crook of my neck .
I blushed remembering our memorable night . I must say my husband is really so naughty . Ufffff " He is a gentleman on the streets but a beast in the sheets " . But we had an awesome intimacy .

I must say I'm so lucky to have him he cleaned me and put me in a warm water tub coz my thighs became sore . He was so wild , gentle , caring , loving .... He is literally became my everything .

He slowly woke up and kissed my forehead , I blinked my eyes and smiled . He caressed my cheeks and hugged me . He said " I love you sweetheart ".

" I love you too ruhaan " I said and hugged him more tightly , he slowly released me from the hug looking into my eyes he said shall we do it once more sweetheart .

I blushed and covered myself with comforter, he grabbed the comforter from me and hovered over me wrapping both of us in the comforter . He started kissing my cheeks and chin .

I spoke " ruhaan not now I'm so tierd " . He spoke " but last night you were like once more kanna ". He winked at me .

I spoke while cupping my face " stop teasing me kanna ".

" Ufffff this word kanna is so sweet my sweetheart " . I like it when you moan it . He said and sucked on the love bite he gave me on my neck . I moaned ahh !!

" Call me kanna sweetheart " he said and again started attacking on my neck .

I spoke " ummm....kanna " . He stopped and looked at me he kissed on my lips and made me sit .

He asked " are you okay sweetheart ? Is your thighs still paining ? ".

I pulled him closer sitting on his lap . I spoke in meeky voice " hmmm well I'm fine coz you not just fuck me but also care for me . You turn my pains into pleasure my kanna " . I winked 😉 at him .

He held me more tightly saying " should I do that again sweetheart ? Turning your pain into pleasure ".

I kissed his forehead and spoke " Not now I'm so tired I don't think today I can go on a walk and explore the island I just wanna rest ".

He spoke ":I'm sorry sweetheart...." , I interrupted him and spoke " you are just awesome My dear husband you no need to be sorry . Last night I enjoyed a lot 😉 " .

He said raising his left eyebrow " I promise I will make every night of us so memorable " and he kissed me .

Our kiss was gentle and soft enjoying and exploring eachother .

We broke the kiss and cuddled eachother .

After sometime we got up and I was going to take shower he stopped me saying " let's go to shower together sweetheart ".

I spoke " I'm sure you just don't stop with shower ruhaan just go and let me take my bath " .

" Ufffff sweetheart...! Fine you can go and take a shower ". He exclaimed .

I went towards the bathroom and took my clothes .

I had a nice warm shower which is quite relaxing , I wore my bathrobe and came out I saw my room is neat and not messy , the bedsheets were changed I remembered blood stains on it coz last night my hymen was tore .

Looks like ruhaan told the house keeper to clean the room but where did he go ?
I think he might went into another bathroom for freshup .

I dried my hair with the towel and I was searching for dryer my eyes fall outside the window . I saw ruhaan but he is not alone I see some foreigner with him . She has a blonde hair and she is wearing a bikini . What !!! What is she doing ? Is she trying to seduce my husband . Why is he smiling at her ? Is she more hot than me ? I am so jealous ruhaan and now I am gonna make you regret for talking with her .

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