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The house was very quiet.

When I woke up this morning from my short sleep, Fenix was gone. He did say that he is rarely home.

I was curled on the end of the bed, completely covered with the blankets and I had to immediately take a shower because I was literally a sweaty mess.

Maybe it was also the fact that I have been overthinking the whole night. Thankfully Fenix was a peaceful sleeper and he was barely noticeable.

It was like he was not even in the room. I hope I sleep quiet as well.

When I was done with my shower, I dressed in a comfortable clothes and exited the room. I immediately went to Ian's room and he was still sleeping.

I quietly walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed. I took him a day off from school because first I had to figure out how was I going to take him to school. Fenix said that there will be guards and a personal driver for us.

Also I wanted him to have a little rest with all the madness going on in the past few days.

I brought my hand to his face and pushed his hair away from his forehead.

"Ian. Wake up, baby." I said and ran my hand down his arms. He slowly started to open his eyes and turned on his back.

He smiled as soon as he saw me and stretched his arms over his head. I rubbed his belly and pulled the covers off him.

Thankfully Ian was not hard to wake up in the morning. When he is extra tired he knows how to fuss but other than that, he had no trouble getting up.

"Let's get up buddy. I'm sure you're hungry." He nodded and sat up on the bed.

"Is Fenix here?" Is the first thing he asked.

"No, he's at work. He'll be home later though." Now I felt bad because Fenix said that he rarely comes home. Ian's gonna be disappointed from now on. I'll try my best to make it up to him.

I pushed his hair back and kissed his temple. "Let's get ready. We'll eat and then Fenix will be here soon after."

"Okay." He got out of bed and I took some clothes for him and we walked towards the bathroom. There was one in his room as well.

I helped him shower and then he brushed his teeth. I then dressed him in sweatpants and a hoodie.

I already knew the main spaces of the house so that's why we headed downstairs to the kitchen. There must be some food in the fridge for me to prepare breakfast.

I'm sure Fenix wouldn't leave us without anything.

We walked down the stairs and when we reached on the first floor, we headed on our left.

When we were getting closer to the kitchen, I heard noises. Pans being moved around and someone humming to a song.

I still haven't seen any maid or any staff in the house. Only the guards outside.

While holding Ian's hand, we finally arrived at the door.

There was a man with a chef uniform working around the kitchen. He had a buzzcut and his back was facing us.

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