The wheel

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James had gotten used to the parable, to the point he could do runs with his eyes closed. For now though they were in the employee lounge, bored.
"James we need to continue the story" narrator said calmly
And there's the bane of my existence James sighed, forgetting narrator knew what he was thinking
"Frankly I'm a bit hurt James" narrator commented
Before he could say anything else James stood up and walked back towards his desk and picked up a crowbar at the broom closet. He left and headed towards a door usually only open during the confusion ending but got left open due to the last ending being the confusion one.
James had seen an office labeled "narrators office" but hadn't thought much of it at first. Now however, James opened the door to said office with his crowbar in hand.
"J-James?!" The narrator immediately stared at him. James thought he'd look more powerful but if anything he looked like one of the employees that worked at the office. "What are you doing here?"
"Ending this" James glared at him before smashing a computer that was watching through the cameras with the crowbar.
James stumbled and tried to grab something yet only managed to grab some wires from a broken monitor which he thought would be fine, but got electrocuted by them, instantly falling unconscious from the pain. Narrator hit reset but it had done its damage and James wasn't there next reset.

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