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My name is Alexandria. I hate my life but, I am literally stuck in it until time ends. I spend my days at the Palazzo dei Priori - my father's underground system of secret rooms, passage ways, and death chambers - in the heart of Volterra, Italy. I am forced to kill innocent humans by the hundreds, for I am the daughter of greed, power, and torture. For I am the daughter of Aro.

I looked longingly into the large mirror that ran the length of just one of the many hallways that stretched the whole length of underground Volterra. I stared into the dark amethyst eyes of a demon, stared at the inhumanly pale skin that was stretched over my small face. Every time I looked at myself, yet another wave of hatred towards my father arose. He had turned me into a demon just days after he himself was created, so his selfish self had someone suffering in this life along side him.

I heard faint footsteps towards the end of the hall heading my way, presumably my father, so I turned to walk in the other direction, but before I was turned around he was in front of me.

I rolled my eyes at him - just because I wasn't human didn't mean the teenager once inside me had left - but he grabbed my shoulder. His eyes rolled back into his head and he tilted his chin slightly upwards as he sifted through all my rescent thoughts.

"Alexandria, stop it!" he said ignoring the urge to turn around and walk away. I was gifted, able to influence the minds around me into doing whatever I wanted them to do. As much as I hated doing it to almost everyone, my father was the one exception, although he was becoming immune to it.

"No matter how much you hate me, I am still your father, and I can still tell you what to do if you like it or not. Now come with me. You have not fed in nearly a month, and Silicia is worried about you. That kind of behavior is not normal."

"Your supposed to be my father, yes, but your nothing more than an unwanted acquaintance. If you were really my father you would be the one worried about me not Silicia. And what makes you think that I will come and end innocent human lives just because step-mommy is worried about the poor, ungrateful brat?"

"Silicia is your mother. Your mother was never around, why do you think I left her and brought you along?"

"Just because human memories are weak, they are still there, and I remember mom, my real mom, being around when you never were. And turning me was just a stupid excuse so you could have someone in this life with you. Even Marcus and Caius know that!"

"Someday, my dear, you will forgive me and thank me for this wonderful life I have given you."

"It has been 23 hundred years, Aro. Even if I ever wanted to forgive you, which could never ever happen, I don't think I could. This has become more than a grudge. Hating you is a part of me now. One of the few parts of my life I like,"

"I'm sorry you feel that way darling."

"Ya right! The only thing you are sorry about is that you don't have your beloved Alice Cullen as a part of your guard!" I told him, and then sprinted to the end of the long hallway. When I got to the end, I leaped through a small hole in the ceiling, and walked for a couple minutes. The hallway I was in gradually got lighter until it opened into a large room that looked very similar to the church my mother and I attended when I was a small child. It had large stained glass windows, brown brick walls, and floors with deep red carpet. There were a few benches around the edges, and in the center were a bunch of chairs put together to resemble a waiting room. In the far left corner there was a desk and a couple filing cabinets. Sitting at the desk was our newest wannabe, Abra. She was dating Felix, a member of the guard, and they were getting pretty serious.

She was a very petite 18 year old girl with light brown hair and the exact same color of eyes. She was pale, but not Snow White like me. She was rummaging through a filing cabinet when I said her name.

"Hello, Abra." I said, smiling.

"Hey, Alex!" She said, smiling back.

"How is my favorite devil-wannabe?" I asked, and her smile quickly faded. "I'm sorry,"

"It's fine. You know I hate it when you say things like that, though."

"I know, but I just don't understand why you want to be like me."

"I have told you, before. I want Felix. He has changed my life, so I am going to change my life for him. And even if it wasnt for him, I would still want this. I want to have an impact on the world.."

"Like how we have an impact on the population? Killing hundreds of innocent people, even kids, weekly. That's what you want? To not be able to walk outside and feel the sunshine because people will know your different?"

"I won't be like that. You aren't!"

"No, I'm not. But I was for my first 500 years in this life. No matter how hard I tried, if my best friend got a paper cut she was lunch. And even now it's difficult."

"I can accept the fact that you will never approve of my choice, but that doesn't mean I won't make that choice. Ever since I found out about you guys, this is all i have wanted to be."

"Fine!" There was a long pause, but finally I said, "Ok, let's talk about something else."

"Ok. I have been meaning to tell you about something. Felix asked me to to marry him."

There was a long pause. I was absolutely shocked. I had known Felix almost his entire vampire life and he was one of the coldest, most heartless people i had ever met - not once had I ever seen him be nice until he met Abra. The thought of him married was just weird.

"He's all that I could ever ask for. I love him, Alex. I really, really do."

"Ok. I'm happy for you two." We didn't stop talking until the early hours of the next morning when Abra was about to fall asleep. I sent her home and promised we would continue the conversation another time.

Although I loved talking to Abra, her continuous rambling about the joys of becoming a vampire just tore me to pieces. After hours of contemplation, I decided that I was done. By that night, I would be forever away from Aro.

I ran off to find a member of the guard named Amerie. She was Russian, so most of the things she said I couldn't understand, but she could always seem to say something negative towards me. She was my only chance at escape.

"Amerie," I called to her from the entrance of the library. I could almost always find her in here.

"Vhat do you vant, Alexandree?" she said, sounding annoyed, but as always, barely understandable.

"I need to ask for a favor," I called out, and she finally emerged from behind one of the large book shelves.

"I be verdy busy, right now, Alexandree," she lied, so I was forced to use my gift.

"Vine!" she said, but as soon as I revoked the influence she looked as if she was regretting her decision. "Vhat be theise favor?"


I took a deep breath, and then looked behind me to where Amerie was standing. She smiled an evil smile, as if she couldn't wait until I was dead, and then flicked her hands as if telling me to hurry up and take just those two steps forward into the bright ray of sunshine. This was a popular place for vampires to commit suicide. I sighed yet again, and then took one step forward. I again hesitated, and then closed my eyes. This was my last moments in the world. I took the last step forward, and I heard Amerie gasp, but it was for all the wrong reasons.

Before I could turn around, someone had lifted me up and thrown me backwards with incredible force. I was stopped by the wall behind me, and the impact made a shuddering CRACK! but I immediately stood up, as if the wall had only been a small fly.

There was Alec, Jane, and Felix.

"What the hell are you doing?" Asked Felix.

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