The Convict

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"You can't put me in here I'm innocent!"
"Tell that to the court kid," the security guard said gruffly locking the door behind him.
"I didn't do it I swear. I never killed my family or anyone else," the boy walked over and sat on the bottom bunk seeing how the top one was already taken by a sleeping figure slightly snoring. His head dropped and he held it in his hands, sobbing violently. "I didn't do it," he continued to mumble to himself.
"Hey, keep it down brat people are tryin' to sleep here" a voice growled from the top bunk startling him.
"Sorry," he says quietly wiping the tears away with the back of his hand.
His roommate jumped down off the top bunk and stretched which was followed by a loud obnoxious yawn.
"'Bout time I got a roomie thought I'd die in here alone," he said with a sly smile. "Matthew Hanley," he said holding out his hand.
"I-Iris Edwards," the other replied. Matthew thought over the name for a moment then just shook his head. Matthew was a fairly tall young man with ear-length blond hair and piercing blue eyes; his smile was fox-like. Almost everything about him was different then Iris who was short for his age and had medium length brown hair that went in every direction, and forest green eyes.
Matthew sat against the wall in front of him.
"So what's your story kid? Nothing bad I presume, but I could be wrong you made quiet a riot coming in," he says a full smile never leaving his face.
He stayed silent for a moment before answering. "I was convicted for murder," he gulped half afraid of how Matthew would react.
"Oh," was all Matthew said at first making a face that showed interest. "A kid like you? Hah please you still look wet around the ears,"
Iris' brows furrowed together, "If I was a kid I wouldn't be here. And I'm 23," he fumed crossing his arms looking away from Matthew who was laughing hysterically at his answer and reaction.
"B-but let me guess you didn't do it, right?" Matthew asks smiling wiping a tear away from his eye.
"Yea..." Iris replies quietly knowing Matthew would probably go into another one of his laughing fits but he didn't he just shook his head and said, "I didn't think so princess."
"Then why are you here huh? Steal a purse from an old lady or somethin?"
"Wow kid can't tell a thief from your own kind,"
"My own kind? I tol-" he started, "Yeah yeah you didn't do it. Well I'm here for the same reason only I did do it."
Iris looked at him in horror; how could someone just openly say they murdered people.
"It's a long story but I'll shorten it for your simple brain alright. I wanted to make a name for myself but where I came from I was nobody. Somethin' happened when I was a senior. Rumors spread that I had killed a man, of course a the time I hadn't." he stops to clear his throat. "I lost my girl and my family was terrified of my so they liked me out or the sake of my little sister. I had grown to love the look of fear I put into people's eyes but someone decided to come and get revenge for Rich's death. I killed him too, it was like and adrenaline rush and I was addicted to it like it was a drug. I loved seeing peoples face of fear before they died and listening to them plead made me laugh. Killed a lot of people before I was caught. What a damn shame that was." He looked up from the floor to see Iris, his face pale and body shaking.
"Scare you-" before he could finish his query Iris jumps up and runs to the toilet to get sick. Matthew laughs and stands up dusting off his back-side.
"Sorry kid. Look you interrupted my nap so I'll let you finish while I snooze." he pats him on the back then climbs back up and pulls the blanket up over his head.
Iris wipes his mouth then gets up to go lay on his own hard lumpy mattress. He had to get outta here this guy was nuts. Completely off his rocker. He thought about when he would get out; he couldn't go home his parents were dead and his friends hated him. He would have to move far away, where people didn't know his name or story and he could start new. But thinking made him drowsy so he fell asleep.

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