Chapter 6 - The calm

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On a day like any other, Agatha Baker was just talking and relaxing with Hans in a sauna on his rooftop at the Casino until she decides she wants to know more about him:

— So Hans, I wanted to know more about you, you know, like... why you came here to Los Santos and

— Okay, I'll tell you my journey until I arrived in Los Santos... starting from the beginning... I was born in Dresden in the former East Germany in 1984, when I was six years old, that country ceased to exist in the 90s and I moved- I went with my parents to Munich to start a new life... we had quickly become rich there...

— When I came of age I studied administration at the Technical University of Munich, the best higher education institution in Germany... you had to see, the entire structure and the work of the teachers were exceptionally excellent

— Well, I wish I had studied there - said Agatha, impressed.

— but anyway, I finished the course in 2006 at the age of 22 and got my first job in my field in a company, I stayed there for years until 2013 and then the business started to go down... due to the effects of the 2008 crisis the company made some spending cuts and generated a wave of layoffs... unfortunately I was in the middle of them

— Damn... it wasn't easy when you came across this, was it?

— Yeah, but after that I didn't know what to do anymore... I asked myself why this happened to me... because I was in the middle of it all, until one day I heard about this city called Los Santos and it seemed like an interesting place. To start over, at that point in the championship I already had some money saved... as it would take too long to get a job given my specialties and I practically had nothing left to lose, I decided to take a risk and moved here

- And what else ? - asked Agatha

— After that it was nothing but success, my love, little by little I built my illicit empire in this state, I faced enemies of all types... I carried out many scams around the city, acquired several schemes that made me a rich gangster and quite influential in these parts. bands... until in 2019 I met you Agatha and solved many problems for you involving this establishment

— That's right Hans, I'll never forget the day I saw you for the first time and I'm grateful for what you did

— Then each of us moved on with our lives from then on... in the year 2024 we met again and started a relationship, during that time I made a few more moves and after that here we are in this bathtub talking

— Look, it's impressive that you built a vast empire here in just 10-11 years from the moment you arrived in Los Santos, it shows how professional you are and that you're not just any ordinary person.

— Thanks for the compliment Agatha and...wait a minute my phone is ringing

Hans goes to the phone and answers it and the call was his assistant saying that a mobster from Naples called Don Giovanna was arriving in Los Santos to negotiate the purchase of weapons for his organization.

After that, Hans says goodbye to Agatha, explaining the situation and heads to his office in the Del Perro region for the meeting.

Once there, he prepares the environment by waiting for buyers
The mobsters

When they arrive, they go to the office floor and start the meeting

In the middle of it, Hans says that he learned the story that Giovanna became the "Don" of his mafia at the age of 15 and that he lost several allies during it.

Talk goes comes, Hans finally manages to make a contract that will supply weapons to that Italian mafia

After saying goodbye to the mobsters, Hans goes to one of his vehicle warehouses and successfully manages to sell an electric hypercar to a buyer, however
having to stop the vehicle in certain spaces to defend your merchandise from other criminals who were interested in the car
(To be continued)

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