How did we get here?

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"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Clover dashes down the halls of the ruins, carefully evading each bullet. he takes a dive behind a pillar at the end of a needlessly long hallway.

Then, just when he thinks he's safe, vines wrap around the pillar and lift it into the air! It makes an extremely loud "BANG" noise as it hits the floor.     

         *a humming noise emanates from Clover's finger

Flowey's grin of pure malice formed as he prepared to absorb the soul of this human.... "wait whats that noi-"

*BWOOOM* another loud bang as flowey is hit so hard by a "Big shot" from Clover's soul, that it uproots him and sends him flying to the other side of the room.

Not taking any chances, clover rolls out of the room and into the next.

"good, all that ruckus must have attracted SOMEONE... maybe that goat lady is nearby... now to get to..." Clover realizes that the switch he used to (albeit accidently) get to Dalv in the dark ruins is a few rooms back.... and he's certainly not in the shape to face that flower again... but that also begs the question... why? why the sudden change from the friendly flower he always was to some sort of evil pervertion of his friend.. maybe theres more than one type of "flowey"?

Not having any other place to go... Clover, sadly heads into the "Mildy-lit ruins"




The silence is deafening... really really deafening...

Not even a froggit or Whimsun to break this unending silence... \

Not only that, all of the puzzles are pre-solved, but not by conventional means. Upon closer inspection, each button, switch and pushable rock is "cheated", being held down by vines that appear to be that flower's...

Around the corner, clover hears... Humming...

Peeking around a column... He sees..... 

Another human...

Her clothes are simply composed of a light blue dress which reaches beneath her knees and has a dark blue collar as well as dark brown boots, her hair is a pure blonde and her eyes are a light blue.

...perfectly fitting the description of one of the missing children.... Things are starting to make less and less sense for clover...

She catches him out of the corner of her eye...

"oh! Why, hello! I knew if i just waited that i'd meet someone! Gosh, i almost thought about leaving this spot because of all the dustiness..

"although.. I thought i was the first human to fall down here in a long time!" 

She continues to ramble on until clover stops her.

"...if you don't mind... What was your name?" He asks.. 


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