Thank You

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guys before you read i want you to know THIS ISNT A SHIP!!! piranha and air fryer are just super close together so please dont ship them! /gen
Piranha won.
And he has no clue how.
He continued staring at the golden medal in his fins, in awe at how he got his hands on it. That medal.. that's his now. It's his very own. He felt his jaw drop as he stared at his reflection through the twenty-four karat gold. Piranha found himself playing with it a little bit, letting the light hit it a certain way. If he held this medal for much longer, he felt like he might drop it. He put the medal on the table and continued to stare at it, his breathing becoming shallow.
"How in the world did I-–?"
Piranha found himself saying. The more he stared at it the more confused and scared he was. Confused because he couldn't even rehearse by himself and he won. And scared that he's now in the winner's club.
Piranha leaned back and immediately looked away from the medal. He felt like if he saw it again he might throw up.
He needed to clear his mind from the state it was in.
And he knew just the mask that could help him with it.
Piranha slowly opened the door, looking side to side.
"Air Fryer..? A-Are you here?"
His voice was hushed and trembling like it always is.
A little robot that was painted white and black rolled up once she heard her name called. She had red and blue lights on the top of her and had a digital screen that projected her face. She wore her signature grin.
"HERE! Oh! Piranha, HIIII!!"
Air Fryer knocked Piranha to the floor in a hug. Piranha found himself chuckling nervously.
"Hi there, buddy.."
He whispered. Air Fryer got off of Piranha and helped him to his feet.
"How did the recording go?"
Air Fryer asked, then frowned.
"I'm super sorry that I didn't get to rehearse with you this week. Since I got kicked off, I'm not allowed to go back."
"Uhm.. it went.. Fine. I guess..."
Piranha said, looking away. Air Fryer knew that Piranha was always like this; they've been friends ever since they shared the stage together. It was super difficult to tell if he was upset or happy, since he's always in the frantic state he's in.
"Well, what song did you sing? I bet you killed that!"
"Lay Me Down by Sam Smith.."
"WHAT?! NO WAY!! That song's SUUUUUCH a hard song to sing!"
Air Fryer's mouth hung open, her eyes turning into sparkles.
"Ohh, I would have had SO MUCH FUN going against you!! Think about it, One Moment In Time versus Lay Me Down! The performances of the CENTURY!!"
She waved her arms around excitedly. Piranha chuckled.
"Yeah.. it did feel quite weird without you i-if I was being honest .."
Air Fryer smirked.
"Did ya miss the pep talk I gave you backstage?"
Piranha looked away and started to sweat bullets.
Air Fryer screamed, laughing maniacally. Piranha rolled his eyes and folded his arms.
"What am I ever gonna do with you..?"
"NOTHING!!! You're stuck with me!"
She replied through giggles. This would be the right time to bring up what happened.. Right?
"Uhm... Air Fryer. I actually have something to tell you. About the competition."
This caught her attention. Air Fryer stopped giggling and looked at him with huge eyes.
"What is it?"
She then frowned.
"Oh, don't tell me you lost to Bigfoot... that son of a gun.."
"I uh. Didn't."
Piranha stated. Air Fryer jolted up.
"Uhm ... no. Cricket did."
Air Fryer slowly started to put the pieces together. After a few seconds, and what felt like a blur, Air Fryer was on top of Piranha again, nearly squeezing him to death.
"NO WAY!!!!! NOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WON?!?!?!?! YOU WON!!!!!!!!! I TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!"
Piranha chuckled slightly, then started to wheeze.
"Okay – Air Fryer .. P-Please get off of me, it's hard to breathe .."
Air Fryer looked down at him, and slowly rolled off of him.
Since she had no mobility in her lower half besides her wheels, now she herself was on the floor while Piranha stood himself up.
"My turn! Piranha, help me up please!!"
Air Fryer said. Piranha offered her his fin, and with a lot of effort, the fish managed to pull the robot up. Air Fryer started to jump up and down now.
"You WON!!! Oh, that's INCREDIBLE!! Congratulations, Piranha! You deserved it SOOOOOO MUCH!"
Piranha started to chuckle awkwardly.
"Haha .. thank you.."
Air Fryer grabbed his hand again, and started to ramble.
"Oh boy, what are we gonna celebrate with? OOOH! We can go have dinner out! I can pay! I might not be able to eat but it would be a little treat for the both of us! It can also give us a breath of fresh air from the studio! And maybe with us going out, we can invite all our friends! Like Owl, Eiffel Tower, Maypole, Cricket, and everyone else! That'd be SO MUCH FUN! Maybe we can even invite the winners from past seasons to celebrate with us! Maybe we can even do a little award ceremony where you, Bigfoot, and Cricket can get your medals! Those medals are SOOO pretty, you know? I played with Badger's a little while ago and I saw my reflection as clear as day!"
Piranha's gills flattened as he smiled sheepishly.
"Uhm .. we don't have to make it a big deal. Sure, I won a competition, but that doesn't mean we have to party all night because of it. Plus, I only got where I was because of you."
"Oh, completely understandable! You're kind of introverted so it makes sense– wait a minute, what do you mean 'I only got where I was because of you'?"
Air Fryer tilted her body, staring at him with a confused expression on her screen. Piranha let out a shaky sigh. Here goes nothing.
"Uhm .. ever since my second performance, you have always helped me. Treasure was a song I never expected to sing .. yet you gave me the guts to perform it. And.. honestly? I haven't had as much fun with a song as I had with it."
"Well what about Since U Been Gone? You've wanted to sing that for a while now, right?"
Air Fryer interrupted him. Piranha lowered his head.
"Uh . . yeah. That performance too. And guess who convinced me to sing them?
He asked, looking straight at her. The robot looked from side to side.
"Is this a trick question? I don't know??"
Right. Each time Air Fryer powers off, she forgets everything that had happened that was minor. But.. How could she forget this? Did her code think that her helping Piranha with his song choices was "minor"?
"No. It was you."
He replied. Air Fryer jolted up and looked at him, her mouth hanging open. Piranha continued.
"And guess who was the mask that would always rehearse with me? Make things fun and enjoyable even if I was quivering in my fins?"
"Me . . ?"
"Exactly. You were there every step of the way of my journey and you saw me change as a vocalist . . and as a mask. You may have gotten eliminated in the Semi-Finals .. but in my eyes, you are the winner. You came from trouble, literally, but this silly little show gave you a new beginning and made you who you wanted to be. Who cares about what your dad ever thought about you? Sometimes, friends are family, and you have a brother right here."
Piranha exhaled. He saw Air Fryer's screen changed to one that was streaming tears and had her mouth quivering. He crouched down to her and opened his fins out for a hug.
"What I'm trying to say here is .. thank you. Thank you for believing in me, thank you for helping me all the time, thank you for being anything but your dad, and thank you for being you."
Air Fryer couldn't take it anymore. She bursted into tears, rushing over toward Piranha and started to bawl in his pajamas. His gills lowered again as he held her close to his chest, shutting his eyes and smiling softly.
She was the true winner to him. And nothing would tell him otherwise.
woohoo !! first time publishing a fanfic here so please be nice !! usually i keep all my fanfics to myself but i am a changed person and imma start uploading more here if i get the chance

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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