Freelancer x Gavin - chronic pain

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i had this idea idk if i'll execute it well
im gonna use they/them for freelancer

Freelancer POV:
"WHAT!? DAMIEN HOW THE HELL DID YOU PASS ME AT THE LAST SECOND?! I WAS RIGHT THERE!" I yelled at Damien, while the rest of the group laughed at me. Me, Gavin, Damien, Lasko, and Huxley were all at my place hanging out and playing Mario kart.
"Im just better than you than you I guess Freelancer" Damien responded with a smirk, my response to that was the middle finger.
"aww cmon deviant, dont be such a sore loser" Gavin teased "Gav you're supposed to be on my side!" I turned to him
"I don't remember ever picking sides, he won fair and square"
"See! Even Gavin agrees with me!"
all four of them started talking amongst themselves, and i zoned out for a moment when i felt a sharp pain in my legs and my muscles tensed up for a second. I need to take my meds before it gets worse.
"Freelancer what do you say?" Huxley asks me
"do you wanna play another round?"
"oh uhm ill probably sit this one out, I gotta use the bathroom, here Gavin you can play for me."
I handed the controller to Gavin, stood up, and headed to the bathroom to get my medication.

When I opened the medicine cabinet behind my bathroom mirror I realized that my medicine wasn't there, and I panicked for a moment, taking everything out of the cabinet just to make sure. Then i remembered I had accidentally left it on the nightstand after a bad flare-up the other night. I was about to leave the bathroom to go get it when all of the sudden my muscles tensed up again, and a sharp pain shot through my legs. I tried to hold myself up with the counter until I could recover enough to get meds, but it never calmed down. It began to hurt to stand, my legs were burning and it felt like i was being stabbed over and over again, and then my legs gave up and I fell to the floor.

Gavins POV:
"Who the fuck hit me with the red thing! Ughh!" i groaned as i got knocked down into 8th place "This game is so stupid."
"Sounds like Freelancer isn't the only sore loser here Gav" Damien said while laughing.
before I could give him a response, a loud thud came from the bathroom.
"Freelancer?" I yelled out with a worried tone. Shit. Something is wrong, I can feel it. I got up and disregarded the switch controller and walked quickly to the bathroom. I immediately opened the door and saw Freelancer curled up in a ball, trembling and softly crying. I recognized this behavior and realized they were having a flair-up, a bad one. I quickly dropped down onto the floor with them and sat at their side.
"Baby where does it hurt?"
"legs.. please dont touch them" they struggled to get out.
"I know baby I know. Where are your meds?" i questioned while rubbing their back
they let out a painful groan before answering, "nightstand" they let out a small sob.
"okay baby, im gonna go get them. Its gonna be okay i promise it'll calm down soon." I stayed and rubbed their back for a second more before i got up and rushed to our bedroom to grab the meds.

3rd Person POV:
The three members of the friend ground were all standing next to the couch, very worried, but not wanting to invade freelancer's privacy.
"I-i really hope th-that they're okay. Sh-should we d-do something?" Lasko turned and looked at Damien and Huxley with a worried expression. Damien, having helped Freelancer with a lot of their flare-ups they had during study sessions, recognized what was happening and spoke up, reassuring his friend and boyfriend.
"I think they are just having a chronic pain flare-up, we just need to give them space unless we are told otherwise." Damien said while lightly squeezing Huxley's hand. Even tho Damien seemed to be the most relaxed, he was still equally as concerned for their friend. Lasko let out a small sigh of relief. "Oh g-good. N-Not to say th-that i-it is g-good! it-it's not-not g-good th-that they are i-in s-o much p-pain, bu-but i-i-im just gl-glad that it-its not ... so-something super s-serious. Crap! I- i mean i-i-"
Lasko's small rant was cut short when they saw Gavin run out of the bathroom and into the hall. He looked at his friends slightly panicked and said "I need a glass of water. Please someone get a glass of water quickly." before running into his and freelancer's bedroom. "Shit, im on it." Huxley said and frantically filled up a glass of water like Gavin asked and sped-walked to the hallway, where Gavin had just re-entered. "Here you go dude." Huxley and Gavin exchanged a look, and without speaking, Gavin thanked him.

Gavins POV:
"hey, hey baby im back. I know it hurts my love but i need you to sit up so you can take the meds. I'll help you, we can do it together." I said while stroking my partners hair. They let out a painful groan before reaching their arms around my neck.As i sat them up, they let a louder groan and dug their head into my shoulder. It was hurting me to see them like this, to feel them like this, but they were in much more pain than me right now. I handed them the glass of water and shook out their dosage of pills before handing it to them "Here you go baby, take these, and then we just sit here until it calms down. Then i can take you to bed." I reassured my partner while drawing circles with my thumb on their shoulder.

3rd Person POV:
After about 15 minutes of the friends sitting on the couch and listening to the slight hum of Gavin soothing Freelancer through the closed door, they heard it click open. Huxley, Damien, and Lasko (who was texting dear to deal with his anxiety) all turned their head and saw the Incubus walk out holding Freelancer bridal style to their bedroom.
After another 5 minutes (that felt like 5 hours), Gavin walked out to the living room. "Hey. Im really sorry to have kept you guys wai-" "It's okay Gavin, you were taking care of them. You dont need to apologize, we understand." Damien cut him off and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, and the others nodded in agreement. Gavin cracked a small smile. "Thank you."
They all exchanged hugs and goodbyes and everyone went to their houses.

After taking a small nap, Freelancer woke up to their favorite incubus, snoring at their side. They smiled widely for a moment before guilt started eating at them. They felt horrible for cutting the hang out short and for causing so much worry, so they opened their phone, expecting no notifications, to send all their friends an apology message. Instead they were greeted by texts from those same friends.

                                    Lasko 🩵
I hope you feel better when you read this. Im sorry that that happened 🙁 Love you 💕

                                (Dear) 🧑‍🏫💕
Hey i heard about what happened! hope you feel better. still bummed i couldn't make it today tho, maybe we can get lunch this week? Love you!! 💜

                                  Hux 🕳️🌱
Hope you're feeling better dude. I love you💖

                                   Dames ❤️‍🔥
Hey Freelancer. Im sorry that happened today. Maybe we can have a Mario kart rematch next weekend and you can reclaim your spot in first place. Maybe. Talk to you ❤️

okay im done sorry i was gone i like didn't want to finish this


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23 ⏰

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