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"where's my fucking cap?!"

"hey i haven't put on my robe either, where is it?!"

seungmin chuckled as he stared at the chaos happening in the room. he's all dressed and ready, while his friends were still looking for their robe and cap. it was chaotic even if they were just two. the two of them alone were a troop of monkeys.

the three were at changbin's house, getting ready for their graduation day. they stayed over the previous night and insisted changbin will drive them to their school.

"felix, we put our caps in the car already, and as for jisung's robe, you tied it on your waist"

"oh." jisung looked down at his waist, the sleeves of his robe tied around it. "why'd you do that though.." "whatever" the squirrel boy scoffed and wore the robe properly.

"ah, i feel so old" felix pouted, looking into the mirror. they all stood in front of the mirror and stared at their reflection "we're already leaving high school. feels just like yesterday we became friends"

"i know, right.. i kinda miss it" jisung smiled a bit. "how about you?" the twins looked at seungmin standing between them.

seungmin gave them a death glare, "i don't have anything to say, what the fuck.."

"come on, this is really emotional!" felix whined, grabbing his wrist and swinging his arm. "i kinda regret i met you guys.."

"you wouldn't date hyunjin if-"

"shut." the puppy boy pinched the oldest's lips together. "exactly, i wouldn't"

"thanks to us. you're welcome" the twins scoffed.

"whatever. i'll miss high school too.. i'll miss making memories"

"what the fuck.."

"you wanted me to say something!" he grabbed their heads and smashed their foreheads together "ouch!" they whined, but seungmin immediately pulled them in a group hug.

"i love you guys."

the twins' eyes widen, looking at each other in shock over the boy's shoulders. they pulled away, and there was a knock on the door.

"come in!"

minho opens, and he smiles as he sees the three, changbin doing the same as he stood beside him. "you guys ready to go?" "yes, let's go!" the twins immediately hugged their boyfriends and left the room, seungmin quietly following behind.

they all got in the car, changbin drives, felix in the front as well, minho and jisung sitting at the back, and seungmin beside them. they were all chatting, and he felt a bit lonely.

hyunjin 🥟

are you already there?

channie hyung and jeongin came to pick me up
my parents will be coming too

we're also on our way
just wanted to let you know

is your dad coming too?

probably yeah

i'm kinda scared of him ngl

oh fuck off

he is scary as shit
isn't he prosecutive
what is it

prosecutor, jinnie

yeah yeah whatever
he looks like he'll sue my ass for dating you

he might

kim seungmin


wait ur coming from changbin hyung's place right

boy what you trynna say

with felix and jisung and minho hyung
you must feel lonely

kinda yeah

don't worry
i'll make sure they feel single as fuck when we're together 😤

but they're not

no actually i feel fucking lonely rn too
i'm sitting at the back by myself while they flirt
i might die
so i'm gonna take revenge

by doing what

you're so dry ily
i'll kiss you on the stage when they call us 🤩

i'm at the top of the class babe
you're at the bottom
ain't no way we can be on stage at the same time

oh right
idc i'm not the bottom in bed anyway



the author was trying to make a high school cliche love story of us but she decided to start with graduation day..?



our story wasn't too cliche was it?
it was fucking unique bro

stop breaking the fourth wall what the fuck..


well it was a typical nerd x popular trope but i changed it up a bit
since seung's a bit mean he'd definitely play hard to get

am i supposed to be offended

anyway i made this cause i wanna make a sequel, but i kinda wanted to make a cliche love story instead, so it's gonna be a fanfiction of the fanfiction.
get what i mean?
same trope but there's gonna be different versions on how they met, how they start dating and how they continue to spend their high school years together :)

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