Ask 5

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Ask from Saku-psycho

Vintage: great question!! We are indeed siblings!! But not twins as many may think!! Hehehe i am two years younger than Omega!

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Vintage: great question!! We are indeed siblings!! But not twins as many may think!! Hehehe i am two years younger than Omega!

Omega: mmhmm... It's sometimes a pain being the older sibling... But Vintage is pretty chill most of the time...unlike our younger cousin...

Vintage: hahaha! Mega here doesn't like looking after our younger cousin... He is WAY too hyper for her to keep up with!! But it's great since it fits his character's personality pretty well!

Vintage: and here's a fact about me you didn't ask!! Hahaha. I actually wear glasses!! Im super glad they had me wear contacts in the show!! Or I would've be blind as a bat walking around trying to fight!!


Emperor: w-W-wha?!?! You'd wanna marry me?! W-why?!?. . . . .  i-i mean I wouldn't b-be against the i-idea...but... I'd h-have to g-get to know you first...

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