Gray Hairs (Newbie spiderwoman × Miguel O'hara)

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"You did good today."

Miguel spoke after a long moment of silence as they both sat on a high building, eating empamadas as the sun dipped into the horizon behind the city. She turned to face his profile.


"Mhm." He hadn't looked over to her yet, but he could see her staring from the corner of his eye "You fought really well. You're getting the hang of those moves I showed you."

"I am..." She looked back at her empanada, smiling to herself "Thanks for... being so patient with me."

"Mm. I knew you had potential." He took a bite of his snack, trying not to glance over to her, he'd get annoyed by how she eats. He wouldn't be able to stop staring because of how annoying it is. "Annoying" is just how he wants to lable it. And he can act like it's annoying right until he starts smiling... So for his sake, he doesn't even look.

"But it did take a lot of patience, didn't it?" She giggled as she glanced over at him.

"Yes, it did." He managed to chuckle a bit.

As she looked at him, she noticed his gray hairs.

"Are those mine?"

"Those what?" He finally gazes at her.

"Those gray hairs."

"I don't know, but I very much believe they might be."

"Or maybe you're just old."

"I'm thirty three!"

"Okay, so they're mine." She laughs, then lets her hand reach out to his gray hair streak, brushing it softly with her fingertips "But they do make you look a bit more handsome."

 Everything seemed to stop for Miguel. It was just the feeling of her fingers stroking his hair. He stopped chewing, stopped moving, and even almost stopped breathing. His face slowly turned to finally face her. Her face was soft, her smile, kind. her eyes followed the movements her hands made through his hair. He couldn't help but admire her, taking advantage of how distracted she seemed. Her eyes... He could stare into them forever, know every stain and ripple of colour there was, and he'd count every light they mirrored. 

 Eventually, he mumbled in the softest voice he ever used. 

"Worth every strand."

 Her eyes finally met his, widening ever so slightly. When they made eye contact, Miguel  got so nervous he almost looked away. But he resisted the urge to. They held their gazes together as both their hearts started to race. She broke out a giddy smile.


 Her fingers dug deeper into his hair, the gray strands losing their protagonism since she started playing with everything now. Her fingertips dragging along his scalp made him shiver and melt in her hand. She could tell by the way he let out a small, shaky breath and his shoulders dropped at bit. She chuckled softly as his ears grew redder. 

"I'm surprised you haven't snatched my hand away yet." She spoke quietly, her tone intimate.

"I don't want to." His gaze was unmoving. He was more relaxed right now than he ever has been. For a moment, everything was okay.

Her lips tugged at a shy smile. There were so many things they wanted to say, but their eyes were saying enough. This was the first time they ever studied each other so intentely. He discovered the folds above her eyes, the mark of her laugh lines, the curve of her lashes and the tint of her lips. Her lips.. their outline. They seemed to be shaped to fit perfectly with his. He wondered.. is it true? He had to find out. He just had to. But he couldn't move. He just sat there, looking at her lips.

She noticed, and her heart skipped a beat. How could she have turned such a big and strong man so smitten? Her fingers slowly let his hair go and stroked his cheek, and her gaze slowly trickled from his eyes, to his eyebags, to his nose, then finally.. his lips. His soft, pink, plump lips. She wondered if she'd be able to taste them tonight. But by the way he's looking at her.. anything is possible.

Her hand cupped around his jaw, and her thumb brushed softly against his cheek. She managed to mumble out something else.

"...Am I.. on thin ice yet?"

He chuckled softly, then shook his head, that same little smirk corking up the corner of his mouth.

"Mmm.. no. Not close..."

"Then I must be very lucky..."

"I think I'm the lucky one right now."

Their eyes meet once again as they smile at each other.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile like this." She leaned a bit closer. "I've been missing out..."

"Me too."

Their gazes trail down to each others' lips once again, and Miguel's thumb rubbed her chin softly, pulling her closer. Her breath hitched as their faces inched closer, and so knowing that there was no turning back now.. she closed her eyes, setting down her empanada. 

 That was the last drop for Miguel. He closes her eyes too and tilts his head to the side, closing the gap between them and placing a tender kiss on her soft, gentle lips. His lips were warm against hers, it almost took her breath away. She felt herself melting onto him, but then she remembered she had to kiss him back. A soft, loving sigh left her nose, their lips participating in a slow dance, the sounds of their kissing being enough to make both their minds spiral. 

 Her hands know exactly where to go, so to satiate a long-term desire of hers, she shoves all her fingers in his hair, which leads to Miguel releasing a soft whimper. He puts down his empanada right next to hers, letting his hands give her their full attention. His brows knitted together, as if he was concerned on how to make her feel good. As one hand rested below her chin, the other cupped around the curve of her waist. His lips began to pull her closer at each kiss, and so she keeps up with his passion, none of them letting the other get away. 

 But eventually, it all gets too overwhelming, and they remember to breathe. They pull away reluctantly, they want to keep going, but their lungs can't take it anymore. His eyes stared into hers, and hers into his. 

"...You're in deep shit now." She speaks with a slightly hoarse voice.

"Why?" His brows furrowed once again in confusion, smirking softly.

"You're gonna have a full gray head by thirty four if we're together."

"I'll own up to it." He smiles lovingly, stroking her cheek with his thumb before leaning into another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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