Plan Goes Worng And KA-POW!

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This takes place almost at the end of courage, the cowardly dog of Muriel blows up.

2 guys in their early years of college have found the carrot and it got disarmed.

They want the money but a plan goes wrong.

If you haven't seen the episode, this might be a bit confusing then.

Anyway please enjoy.

Plan Goes Worng And KA-POW!

Ken and Ed were both gazing at the enormous carrot, with the general standing mere feet away from it.

Ed smirked, "Ken, don't you realize this is our chance to get the money?"

Ken looked confused at Ed, "But how?"

Ed rubbed his hands together, "If we both run up to it and eat it together, he'll be forced to make us stop by giving us the money."

Ken looked annoyed, "Are you out of your mind? It's a ticking time bomb! If we eat it, we'll grow over five hundred feet and explode."

Ed knew Ken was right, but he was convinced that disaster wouldn't befall them. He explained his reasoning.

"Think about it for a moment. If we do it together, the effects won't work on us because it was designed for one person," Ed explained confidently.

Ken pondered for a moment and then nodded, "Alright, let's do it."

Both ran toward the carrot. "On three, Ken. Get ready. 1... 2... 3!"

Ken started voraciously eating the carrot, but Ed didn't follow through. His phone rang, and he answered it, engaging in a conversation until it was finished.

When Ed was done and put the phone back into his pocket, he looked down to see the carrot was gone. "Uh oh."

"I don't feel so good," Ken moaned as Ed looked up to see Ken had grown over five hundred feet tall.

Ed gulped, "Oh no!" The sight was horrifying. It was difficult to see all the way up to Ken's face, but just beholding his lower body was enough to instill terror. Ed could look up and see ken boxers in Ken's shorts, which were now the size of two MSG Spheres.

Ed could only wonder how much time Ken had left before the inevitable happened.

Ken looked down at Ed, confused, "Ed, I...?"

Ken stopped mid-sentence as his stomach began to rumble ominously loud.

Ed screamed and ran as far away as he could muster.

Ed kept sprinting as fast as his legs would carry him until...


Ken exploded into a colossal mushroom cloud. The giant mushroom cloud took on the angry visage of Ken's face.

"ED! YOU DID THIS TO ME!" Ken's voice bellowed as he spat out a large fireball that soared directly at Ed.

Ed managed to jump out of the way, but the blast launched him, sending him flying back to his house.

The mushroom cloud dissipated, and all that remained of Ken was a massive crater, a grim reminder of the bizarre and tragic events that had just unfolded.

The end

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