Chapter One

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Wilford was not accustomed to waking up in pain or the heat that emanated from his body. He swallowed thickly, wincing as his head throbbed. The male stared at the darkened ceiling for a few minutes, running a hand through his sticky hair. Slowly sitting up, the male turned his attention toward the sleeping form next to him, grimacing slightly as the monochrome figure made a soft noise in his sleep while turning over. It felt like cotton was stuffed into his mouth as his hands shook violently in his lap. Everything around the male seemed muffled as he stared at his shaky hands, biting down on his lower lip to bite back the whimper building in his throat. Too afraid of waking his partner next to him, his hazy brown eyes blinked a few times as a mixture of emotions swirled in his belly as the heat in his stomach intensified. The pink ego whimpered lowly, and Wilford gagged slightly, quickly launching himself from the bed and rushing toward the bathroom. He slammed into the toilet and began to throw up. The man groaned, leaning his head against the cool porcelain, feeling his stomach roll once more before retching.

Wilford's head spun as he blinked at the black dots dancing across his vision, whimpering softly as he wrapped an arm around his stomach. The man's disoriented state caused his vision to blur as he felt pain and heat coursing through his body. After vomiting, he leaned against the cool tile, feeling a sense of relief. Wilford brought his shaky legs up to his chest, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he leaned his forehead on his knees. Taking a shallow breath, the small bathroom spun around him, and the bright light burned his eyes. The man wasn't sure how long he had been sitting on the cold floor, shivering as he exhaled deeply. The pink ego's lidded eyes closed slightly before Wilford snapped himself awake. The male chewed the inside of his cheek as another wave of nausea overwhelmed him, pushing it to the back of his mind. The mustached male tried to push himself off of the wall, but his body didn't listen.

Half of him felt stupid for letting himself get this bad; he should have been more careful, and he should have asked Dark for more days off. He should have noticed when he first started getting sick, but half of himself felt silly. Getting sick was natural in a large house like this, and with so many egos housing the mansion, it was bound someone would have fallen ill sooner or later. Unfortunately, it was Wilford who got the short end of the stick, and now he was sitting in the corner, his stomach clenching tightly as nausea and pain swirled in his chest. Wilford lolled his head to the side, reaching out a shaky hand toward the bathroom door, and opened his mouth, but only shallow air came out. As he mentally cursed at himself, Wilford managed to push himself off the bathroom wall and onto his feet. His shaky legs wobbled for a few seconds before giving out. The pink ego squeezed his eyes as he waited for the impact, but nothing came. He opened his eyes and noticed two gray arms holding him up. "Not feeling good, love?" Dark whispered with a soft smile, gently setting the man on the edge of the bathtub and placing a cold hand on his forehead.

"Overwork yourself again, Will. I thought we were over this argument," Dark sighed, putting a hand on his hip and shaking his head slightly. The other male opened his mouth but was cut off by Dark, who put a hand over his mouth and then turned towards the sink. Opening the medicine cabinet, he grabbed a bottle of cough syrup and winced when he noticed it was empty. The monochrome male mentally cursed, tossing the empty bottle away. "Alright, let's get you back to bed to rest." He sighed. The large bathroom was filled with Wilford's soft panting, and as sweat slid down either side of his forehead, the sound of the sink running caused him to flinch. Bringing his hands up to his ears, trying to block out the noise, the pink ego whined softly as the male in front of him spoke, but the male couldn't make anything out.

Wilford gazed at the other with hazy brown eyes, furrowing his brows in confusion. The male opened his mouth to protest but was cut off by Dark looping his arms underneath the other male's arms and starting to help him back toward the room. The monochrome male gently laid Wilford down on the bed, bringing the discarded blankets up to his chin, before kissing his forehead. "Try and get some rest, Will." He whispered.

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